
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

women history

When you have a dream to start something even if you are gifted its normal to feel as if you may be in over your head. It’s normal to over analyze everything. Are you talented? Will the dream work? What if I am not received well? What would you do? As a woman there are many times that these questions plague our brain. Continuing and revamping ourselves even in self-doubt is what I like to call resiliency in women.

Pushing Through

A woman that can keep standing despite all odds.  You may get weary, tired and may even stop, but you never give up.  You have goals, dreams, desires and you will not let a closed door stop you.  The strength of a woman is undeniably what holds a family together.

women history

Women on the Move

Women are always super easy to be able to push through. While that may a recurring theme for women in taking the things that we are given, falling, and stepping up to the plate we still have inner work that must be done. That means something differently for every woman. For some working on their attitudes, working past failed dreams, we all have work to do.

women history

Getting Out of the Comfort Zone

Honestly, I lack strength in being secure in my abilities.  As some of you may know, I am a home-based baker.  I struggle with knowing my strengths in this area.  At times my insecurity can get the best of me and I won’t even make the attempt to try something new.  So, this year, I am determined to step out of my comfort zone and not let my insecurities get the best of me.

Baking for the Love of it

Yes, that comfort zone is a tough place to be in. It’s hard to tell yourself that if you feel that you have lost your creative way that you can and will get it back. Doing things like asking why you want to complete the original goal is important. Your why helps you in those dark moments. Its what will re-energize you. I have had these moments often. They come and go but the dream may have to be revamped but it doesn’t have to die. In the case of baking, taking classes, working in a bakery as  an apprentice, getting involved with online baker groups, or having a baker mentor are all ways to motivate. This also helps to build clientele and get to know new people when you are the new one in a new town.

women history

When I moved to Philadelphia from Lancaster it was challenging to say the least with one baby on the way and a toddler but moving from one state to another in pursuit of a dream that is a lot.

Relocation and Moving

I had to be the strongest going into the unknown.  Let me explain.  In 2017 I relocated from my hometown of Lancaster, Pa to Miami, FL which is 1200 miles apart.  I relocated for the job of my dreams.  However, outside of my husband, I knew no one.  I had to move within 30 days! I would be lying if I said I wasn’t afraid! Those 30 days was a whirlwind, I continued to work my current job while prepping the house to get ready to sale.  Then I had to find a place to live in Miami.

How did I feel my strongest during this time of the unknown?  Well, it was either let fear paralyze me or dig deep within myself to find the strength I needed.  You need not only faith by strength to make such a move, to leave a secure job of 12.5 years, leave your family and friends and everything that you have known for 36 years.  Now that is strength! I will in no way say my strength solely came from myself, because that would be a lie.  Many days I was weary, tired and questioned by decision.  God truly showed himself strong on my behalf and gave me the strength to endure.

Tackling a Move

How many of you could do tackle such a huge move?  I am a planner by nature. That type of forced moving would truly give me a high level of anxiety! Women do these types of life altering changes and even if we are scared that we move towards the end goal. For Cheryl the goal was to secure housing and leave a life she has always known. Women take the lead from the women in their lives that have shaped them and for Cheryl that was her mother.

An Ode to My Mother

As most of you know I lost my mother in 2004 due to breast cancer.  During her time of her diagnosis up until her death, she exemplified the strength that was undeniable.  She never once complained and helped others while she was going through her own trial.  Also, my Aunt and my Grandmother who both lost their husbands of 40 plus and 60 plus years, respectively.  Out of respect, I will not get into details.  However, I will say, I come from a GREAT stock of STRONG WOMEN!

Miss Sis Bakery

As you push through your dreams and your baking goals it’s imperative that you don’t give up! The dream is inside of you and it will get to fruition! Thank you for not giving up because you will look back at this and realize that your strength will motivate others! If you are interested and are in Miami follow Miss Sis Bakery as Cheryl named this as a tribute to her mother! Also let’s flood her Instagram to show support! Thank you for sharing being vulnerable. Sometimes people think that if you have a dream that it will just naturally fall into your lap! Even with ability there are times of up and down and in the down remember you will get back up! Happy Women’s History to all of my ladies!




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