
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Yes it’s almost time to cue the music and grab the in-house celebratory champagne. A new year is upon us! What does that mean? We were super excited for the 20/20 vision yet 2020 and the goals came through with a vision alright. However it’s important to understand that dreams don’t completely stop and we must continue to work hard and move forward! So what were our 2020 goals?

Let’s review 2020 Goals:

2020 Goals: Home Life

So many families are struggling and will continue to struggle as we continue this fight into 2021. There isn’t enough stimulus to fix the loss that was had in 2020. It’s important to recognize what didn’t work in our home life and what did! For me it was recognizing that with hard work my kids are beginning to thrive in school at home. We had to change their environment which allowed us to separate their home life from school but it worked. I also learned that as much as I thought I was only doing well because my home life was separated from work that it was the key to success. I was surviving because I woke up daily and showed up for my family.


I can’t even continue without talking about Covid-19! No one in my home has gotten it. However too many in my family and so many friends have had it. Several of them had to be hospitalized and one on a ventilator. One of my friends lost a parent and the devastation that comes along with that is immeasurable. Covid-19 has wrecked so many lives this year. Please take a minute to say a prayer for those you know and those you don’t who are fighting this disease.

Work Smarter Not Harder

Can we shout out to those who didn’t think it stingy to share those work from home tips? I found more people learning to share their lessons than ever before. Some of them learned that sharing their skills is also a way to monetize. I’m not mad at that at all! We have all learned the excuse that people can’t work from home is not truth based. I learned to outsource. Canva and Fiverr and other apps I’ve either tapped into or found how to use them have made my work load smoother!

Blog Life

Can I say how proud of I am?! I am over the moon happy about what the blog has done for 2020! My vision board which will be the next blog really came to life by hard work. This time 6 years ago I was working on this blog while at a temporary position. They told me they just needed a body in the building so I took the time to start crafting and the blog was born!! Fast forward and I’m working with brands I believe in. I have a little list of brands that I would love to work with and that’s the next step-get aligned with my dream brand list!

It’s one thing to see if I could work with brands. You know that part of you that says are you worthy? We know that the worth is there and now it’s time to conquer and build! Just to give a perspective on growth and being consistent can bring, I went from 30k views for the year in 2019 to as of the time I wrote this blog to 432.6k views for the year and climbing! I’m grateful!

2020 Goals: Mental Health Care

I’ve had to like most people dig deeper into self care. For me that meant learning what I needed at any given time. Outside of the cute lists like bubble baths and masks, I’ve done things like give my child my cell when their laptop wasn’t working to prevent me from having a mini break down. I’ve gotten more therapy this year too! Yes therapy for me is a form of mental health care. It’s not a shame not to need a therapist. It’s a shame to know you need it, have the ability to get it, and get it. Time is too short to be stuck in your own head and feel trapped! If you can get the help you need please do! I also need local, state and federal legislation to do more so all can have access to great therapy!

So with so many wins do I even have goals that I have yet to complete? Absolutely. There’s always things that I have in my list of working towards. There are ways in which I want to grow that I’m looking to step it up daily! With all of that in mind…this weeks blogs will be dedicated to all of those goals and how to get unstuck and moving! So let’s get you focused and moving towards 2021 right! Goodbye soon 2020!

Happy Monday!

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