
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

My mom was the one who told me about vision boards. At the time I wasn’t in the mindset for that to be apart of my life. I figure I’ll just have a running mental list and I’ll be fine. Vision boards are NOT tricks. They don’t bring anything to you that you’re not willing to work for. However vision boards are worth it.

Vision Less

What happens if you’re like my 20 something self who isn’t ready? It happens. I can tell you that there’s value in having goals and working towards something. A vision board is just what it says. It helps you to write a plan and visually see it and execute it. I kept a copy of mine on my phone so every time I’m on it I see it. However if you struggle to say what is it that you should be doing a vision board is meaningless. It would be important to find the things that are important to you! What do you want to do? What are you looking forward to do if there wasn’t anything holding you back? Start there and let the vision unfold.

Vision Board Fail

Can you do a beautiful vision board and feel as if you have failed? Yes. Again it’s not a special trick. It’s not something that has magical powers. There’s a possibility to apply no energy to it and find no success. There is also times when you can work hard and not see the vision unfold like you dreamt it. The first steps to a vision board is to know what’s in your heart to do. From the heart you can move it to reality. So yes I’ve had visions fail most times because I kept worrying more about my lack of ability. Your ability can always be upgraded along the way if you work towards.

Work your Plan

I’ve heard people say work your Plan A as if you don’t have a Plan B. I agree to that plan. However 2020 has showed us that Plan A may need a little tweak to them! So this is why people kept using the word pivot all year long. People were learning to adjust their plans. For instance the days or weeks after COVID-19 people were saying what will happen to influencers as companies were spending less on marketing efforts. I did see changes but where I saw changes I saw increase to the types of brand deals. Companies weren’t just looking for creators with high numbers alone but those who could engage their audiences appropriately.

New Year 2022


2022 Come in Right

At the end of the day we don’t know what is up the pike for 2022. We do know that we still need a vision. You can still have a plan for what you want. If you have to tweak it-so be it. However don’t abandon it altogether. There’s more life to be lived. Work smarter not harder going into 2022. Outsource when you can. Ask for help when you need it. It’s not that 2022 is coming in badly it’s just they people aren’t sure what to do going forward. My thoughts are go through with the same tenacity as you would had Covid-19 hadn’t existed. Be cautious because it is here. Be ready to move at a moments notice when you have to. But work towards your plans! Write the vision and make it plain! I want you see you successful. You want it too! Let’s make it happen!

So are you making a vision board? I am for sure! I’ll update you in 2022 or close by when it’s done!

Let’s take 2022 back!!

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