
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

No. In my mind when I hear you say monitor especially with everything else you have said in your letter you come off as motherly. Your job is to influence and encourage not to mother. When you use words like he’s too stupid, he’s too childish your role doesn’t need to be wife you are acting as if you’re his mother.

If you wouldn’t allow him to speak to you the way you describe yourself as speaking to him than you are out of line and out of order. If he’s so stupid doesn’t speak on his intelligence that speaks volumes on your character. You sound as if you chose him on the basis of control. There’s a part of him that likes your motherly ways. But all good things come to an end. He’s going to realize that the way you’re treating him is wrong and when he does and has enough strength to leave he will.

Monitoring his weight should be his desire. If you think he’s overweight than be the change you want to see. Do you eat right? Even if you’re small and in shape you still need to make sure their are ample healthy choices for both him and you. If you prepare the food are they healthy? Even beyond that you can’t portion control him he needs to do that. Do you work out and offer to work out with him without judgement and name calling? In the letter you have used far more names to describe the man you chose to marry that are negative and condemning. If you are doing this with me who you don’t know then what are you saying to him or your friends?! If you can’t not seriously answer these question he’s not the one with the weight issue, you are. So what is your real issue? He could lose the weight but you are the one with the issues.

No husband needs another mother. Even if you think his mom did the worst job ever, it’s not your job or place to re-raise him. One thing is people don’t even respect the wife that belittles her husband. They can see you ain’t all that you portray. The women who do that usually have some internal issues that need to be worked out. I would suggest you influence your husband and while you’re doing that be sure you find ways to love your husband, love yourself, and return your husband son so one day he can just be your husband only.

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