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Ask Toi: Do I Apologize to My Co-Worker?

The issue from the follower was where the co-worker had been irritating them to the point where the coworker wasn’t communicating well if they had been offended by the reader’s actions and stormed off…… Should the co-worker apologize or let it go?

Yes and no. If at any time there was an act done that you are aware of then apologize to the co-worker on the act that was committed.  I know some of my readers are saying but how do you know, you know.  You know you spoke out of turn, was disrespectful, etc-apologize for your actions.  If the co-worker is just in a mood and being reactive, I would say leave it alone especially if it’s not stopping productivity.  Some people are just pissy people.  Pissy people tend to be upset if the sky is not the right shade of blue.  There could be other factors going on that is making a co-worker be reactive.  It could not even be work related.  I think that as adults if its something is going on it needs to be discussed if its work related at the work place and then moved on.  This could be that the upset co-worker may not be able to communicate what he or she needs however in 2017 we have to be able to speak openly even in professional settings and move along so the end result of work can be accomplished.  You are at work to work, not to be friends.  Never kriss cross the two unless you have a real relationship that is outside of work, and even then learn to separate the two.  Only mature adults will have that ability to do so.

I went to Penn State and at no time before or after my time was there a mind reading class.  So if you haven’t done something you as the possible offending co-worker can think of, than you need to leave it be until the co-worker communicates.  If its something that is stopping productivity, give it a day and see if the work will pick up.  ONLY after the offended co-worker has calmed down and productivity has stopped would I approach a co-worker to take any steps.

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