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Can I Have A Day?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Summer is slowly winding down.  Don’t get me wrong there is plenty of sunny days and muggy nights left, however if you aren’t careful you will miss out on it all.  What have you done for yourself this Summer?  What trip did you take?  Let me guess, you don’t have someone to go with you, right?  What excursion have you wanted to go on but haven’t?  You haven’t done those either.

It’s time to change those have-nots, to haves.  Do not allow the Summer to go by and you are still sitting and talking about plans but not actually doing them.  For me I want to go to the beach and I am going to go even if I go alone.  My husband isn’t a fan of the beach and to be honest I could use a day in the sun with my feet in the sand and a good book or magazine to entertain.  You have to get out.  So it’s planned on my calendar as a personal beach day.  Listen Summer is my favorite season but even if that’s not your case, you can’t avoid it if you’re alive, so get out and enjoy it.

I am encouraging every last reader of this blog to get out and do something fun.  No more I have no plans.  Make some plans.  Go with girlfriends.  Go with a new boo.  Single, go to one outing that you wouldn’t normally go.  While there don’t worry about if you’re not fitting in. Dress well, eat well, and smile.  You never know where you will meet your new partner. The one place you won’t meet him or her is in your pjs in the house.  I know don’t hit me with the well there’s online dating.  Online can only take you but so far if you aren’t willing to meet others and see if the chemistry is still there beyond the computer screen or phone.

So what are you prepared to do?  It’s crazy to me to see people on social media talking about how bored they are.  I know I live in a big city but I have even looked up events in other people’s cities many of them are free and people still bored, how?  You know there’s one word to sum this up, lazy.  I hate to call people names but if we sit on social media day in and day out then surely you and Goggle can at least go together.  Goggle and then after you do that, go.  I know you need a squad but truth be told not everyone in your squad likes the same thing and there’s no need to let that hold you back.

There are so many activities that you can do in Summer that you simply can’t do in the other seasons, so get out and enjoy it.  I know plenty who at the first sight of snow will complain that they can’t wait for it to be warm, waste Summer’s time, and then the cycle continues.

Here are my suggestion for getting out:

  1. Know your budget.  There are so many ways around saving money.  If you want to take a tour but the price is too steep, get your Groupon on and find alternatives.  See if you can get a group of you together to do the same.  Often times groups of 10 or 20 or more can save money instantly.
  2. Pick a date and schedule the time to go.  Treat yourself as a priority.  You pay your bills on time, or at least you should, right?  Pencil yourself some me time in and stick to it.  Make it just as important as anything else.
  3. Be spontaneous.  I am a planner so my calendar fills up.  However I have had so much fun allowing time to not be the pressure.  My family and I have done some pretty random things and the fun has been huge.  Do not define yourself to a box.  It’s good to have things in stone but be okay with a few accidental fun trips too.
  4. Open up to new activities-I recently went to a location I hadn’t been in years and decided to do new activities I hadn’t or wouldn’t have had fun and guess what?  I had a blast.  Sometimes being a creature of habit needs to be broken too.
  5. Remember the most important rule of life-time waits for no one.  I know that you are prolonging things and you will get to it eventually, but for many eventually NEVER comes.  Do it.  You deserve to live the best life and that’s a personal decision to wake up and determine daily.

So are you going to have more memories of the Summer of 2016?  Are you going to be in a position to let your hair down a little?  If you say, yes-start with a little weekend fun and build upon that every week!!

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