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Concluding Women’s History Month

I may sneak one more women history month story in.  You never know.  What I want to say is to EVERY story we had this month: THANK YOU.  I couldn’t have been able to bring your pain and victories to life without the willingness to be vulnerable.  We as women have an unique way of coming together.  As much as reality television paints us in the most negative lights, its moments like these that remind me that we are all ONE.

We come from different backgrounds, talents, and dreams but we are all trying to navigate to become better versions of ourselves.  One thing I can say is don’t stop because of bad days, bad moments, or even bad attitudes.  I think often times we look at one another and judge what we see not knowing that what we don’t see has a huge effect on us.  Take some time to lay down the charges.  Even if you don’t vibe well with another woman and trust me when I say that its okay, be sure to just be courteous to one another.

Let me give you a few lessons I have learned in my short almost 35 years:

  1. Not everyone is your cup of tea.  You don’t have to fit every one’s likes.  The only thing you need to give is respect.  When you try to fit others you eat at the very essence of yourself.  Be you.
  2. It’s okay to cut off toxic relationships.  It doesn’t matter who it is.  You don’t have to accept bad behavior from yourself or others.  I can openly admit that I have done things and bad things have been done to me, but that doesn’t mean that its okay to continue in paths of negativity.  Cut it off.
  3. When you love someone its a risk.  Know that everyday will not be filled with love birds ringing in your ear.  Be open to the challenge of inviting someone who has deemed themselves worthy into your circle.  If they frustrate your purpose reconsider.  You can’t force a round peg into a square hole.
  4. Reunite with your friends.  Women are equipped to be messy beings at times.  Know the difference between pettiness and what’s no longer serving its purpose. Relationships grow and a seasonal person has no place in a permanent position.
  5. Gleam from some older and seasoned women.  I lost my great grandmother in the last month or so.  She was one of the most patient and wise woman to date.  She passed at 95 years young.  It’s okay to take advice from women of wisdom.  Age is truly just a number, be careful of who you gleam from.  Not everyone who is older is wise.  Nothing is worst than an old fool.  Be careful who you let deposit into your heart and soul.
  6. If you are a mother, you don’t have to do it all.  If you are lucky to have a partner let him partner with you.  We want to do it all and get mad when we are overwhelmed. Reduce the stress.  If you are unfortunate to be a married single parent than you need to really do your part to make your partner step up.  Sometimes they get out of the way cause you think they don’t do it right.  Sometimes right isn’t the answer.  As long as the kids are alive and well, let him help.
  7. If you are a friend be one.  Stop being fake.  A real friend can call out their friend in love.  Re-evaluate your circle.  If you are strong as your circle, how strong are you really?
  8. Love yourself-should almost be number 1.  Learn to make time for yourself.  You can be at the top of your game at home and work and still be a failure at being your number 1 supporter.  Get yourself whole.  Too many of us walking around and haven’t taken the time to deal with our insides.  When you get your insides together your outsides will align itself as well.  Peace is priceless get yo some.
  9. Take a trip solo this year.  I don’t care if its a few hours away or an overnight one, get you a trip in that’s all about you.  You will find it will guide how you love on yourself and others.  We are so conditioned to do things in groups but sometimes you need some one on one time with the one in the mirror doing something you enjoy.
  10. Do a challenge-I said it yesterday’s blog, but challenges help to center you.  Make that challenge about an area you struggle with. If its connecting more than everyday for 30 days you need to make call, texts, dinner dates, etc to others to get out and socialize more.  Whatever the challenge stick it out.  Don’t fall down if you mess up on day 3, as long as there is a day 4 get up and try it again.

This blog was made an outreach of my heart.  I will continue to find ways to get us together.  I’m just a little earthly reminder.


If you haven’t read the stories from this months Women History Month, you are doing yourself a disservice.  Thank you to Terry, Cheryl, Lachanda, Juanita, Rhonda, Awilda, Alanda, Erica, and Lisa.  I pray that each woman has been enriched since you have shared your lives with us.  Reach every goal and every dream.  We will do it again next year as long as we are together.  Ladies, what a month, thank you!!


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