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Friday Check-In: September 1, 2023

Happy Friday. Today is a good day to have a good day. With that there hasn’t been a lot of media events. This is when most PR take a. break to gear up for end of summer and Fall events. My schedule is at capacity at this point already for September and I have officially capped it. So, it’s going to be one fun September to remember.

September Goals-Friday the 1st

Cue in the Fall but wait we still have some summer left. Enjoy it. I get that many people do not like the hot sun. I am not one of them, but I do get it. In September it’s not always as hot. Either way get some fresh air. Take walks, run, or simply enjoy a glass of tea on the porch. Here are a few things I am including in my mental health and Fall self-care:

Friday Conversations with Toi Podcast

We have a new episode. It’s all about. Cannonball and Fringe Fest. Our guest is Sam Tower. She is Program Manager and Performance for Young Audiences Cohort Artistic Producer.

Cannonball has doubled down on offering something for everyone this year. As the size of the hub has exploded, so has the hub’s ability to showcase programming for younger audiences. Philadelphia Fringe Festival goers of all ages will find a treasure trove of back-to-back circus, dance, theatre, puppetry, music, and interactive installations all month long . Audiences can find free outdoor performances at Liberty Lands, 913 N 3rd St, every Friday-Sunday September 8 – 30, plus sliding scale tickets for all shows at the MAAS Building, Icebox Project Space, and Fidget Living Room throughout the month.

Make sure you listen, subscribe, and leave a comment. It is all free to do. 

Back to School Final Rehearsal

Am I the only parent that has their kids practice new sleep patterns aka go to bed early a week or two before school starts? From sleeping in and more the kids will get a jolt in their schedule. To prevent those morning tantrums and yells we practice or start early. Next week, they go back to school, and I am super excited, nervous, and broke. Yup parents around this time are stretched to capacity. My oldest is going to high school and she has homecoming and all kinds of expenses the first month in. So, I am taking care of my mental health to deal with the changes.

In addition, supporting my kids as they go through these changes. We have had them working on reading and schoolwork all summer long. It’s not okay for teachers to spend so much time teaching material from the year before. So, we added reviews and some new material for their current grade too. The biggest advice I can give is to get up before your kids daily. Set the tone for the morning and enjoy that quiet before the house turns upside down. Now y’all pray for me as I do shoe shopping because my kids are built with adult feet and adult prices.

Labor Day Fun

There is a lot to do if you want to be out and about. I personally will do some things and then rest. That ability to not have to wake up to take my son to basketball is worth it. Either way I plan to have some wine, eat, and read this weekend. For those looking to do some things refer to my summer activity blog. It will give you many ideals especially those who have kids. Don’t feel like you must do something every day on this long weekend. Spend some time just simply enjoying you, your friends, and family. Rest and replenish.

Well, that is it. The blog page if you are on it often changes at the beginning of every month to have articles that make sense and then the newest blog posts. It is set that way to make sure all things are relevant and is there to help you with all things health, mental awareness, and more. Have an amazing Friday. I will be back with Monday Motivation blogs starting Monday September 12th. In the meantime, I have been giving encouraging words. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend, and make your time matter. I will be back to events starting next week so get ready.

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