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Healthy Habits for the Spring

Spring is on its way and preparing for it will help. For instance as much as I will encourage you to get outside it means that it will also flare up allergies. So what ways can you prepare and enjoy the Springtime? Here are some tips that I hope will inspire you.

Spring Cleaning

I love a good spring clean. Over the weekend my husband and I got right to it. We took the time to eliminate clutter. We started with the living room and worked our way up. My husband is one that likes a lot more clutter than I do. It’s been a place of contention in our marriage for awhile. However I am happy to report without promoting the house is just about at the level I would want. One of the things that he did that I loved was moved all of the furniture so we can dust, vacuum, and clean walls. Cleaning up your space really helps organize your mind too. Usually he’s reluctant because he knows I am going to make cleaning into a project.

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The decluttering process included our kids too. We found better places to put items. In addition, we plan to work together to keep it as clean as it was this weekend. Spring cleaning means cleaning areas you would miss on a regular clean day. We cleaned the blinds, windows, and so much more. If you need some item ideals for your Spring cleaning grab a few from my Amazon store. Also you may not have knocked out all of it like we did in one weekend, start with one room at a time.

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Fresh Air and Sunshine

We all know how much we need to get outside. Getting outside is a great way to relieve stress. 10 minutes outside is more than enough to help relax tension in your body and more. As we venture outside it can cause those who deal with allergies to flare. Some natural ways to help is to include an air purifier in your home. They can be pricey but investing in one is a great way to clean the air in your home. I found a few on amazon that are align for those watching your budget.

Target Air Filter

Courtesy of Amazon

Amazon Air Filter

While outside please make sure you have on sunscreen at all times. If you are a makeup wearer I always make sure that I have a SPF 50 under my makeup all year long. It is also time to change out your makeup brushes, and so much  more.

Courtesy of Target

Increase Fruits and Veggies

We know this but are we really doing it? I incorporate a lot more into my diet in many forms. From smoothie bowls, to puree it into my spaghetti sauces and more there are ways to help you add them into your diet. As it gets warmer we tend to eat more on a go. I try to pack a lot of snacks into my bag, work area, and even in the car. Speaking of car it may be time to refresh the car too. From cleaning it out, to vacuuming.

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With food I also since I am a resident Foodie tend to pick restaurants that have a variety of options. From fresh fish to great options for all palates.

Outdoor Fun and Fitness

If you aren’t an outdoors person you can find ways to help increase your outdoor fun. For instance get into the habit of going to a park at least once a week. I take the kids, while they are playing I am working on my own fitness. You don’t need a lot of heavy equipment. There are times I am running or walking while watching them play. I bring my resistance bands, or some simple weights. All of this will help me to make the most of my time. So instead of scrolling on my phone, or doing work, I get active. This will help you sleep better too.

Courtesy of Pexel

Mental Health and Spring

Although many people with seasonal depression will begin to feel more like themselves, do not think that you are in the clear. You can and may still have issues with whatever your level of mental health. The reason for me saying that is that many times the false narrative of being okay doesn’t apply to all. Do not think that you should stop your mental health regiment. For instance, I have increased my therapy not stopped it. All medications that I take, I will continue to do so.

Courtesy of Pexel

I am excited for the Spring. It is a way to shed that seasonal depression, get healthier, move a little, enjoy the longer hours of sunlight, and enjoy by adding color into my house, wardrobe, and so much more. Have a happy and healthy spring.

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