
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Spring! Today is the day. This means that we are so much closer to my favorite season of Summer. Spring is a great time to start getting outside and increase outside activities. Its time to add color to your wardrobe and move away from black and grey. It’s also time to find new activities to enjoy as well.


Spring is just about warmer weather, and more hours of sunlight. For those who experienced Winter Blues or Seasonal Depression, this is when you might that you are more productive. You want to start a work out plan if you haven’t been able to do so. What I love about Spring is just the brightness of it all. My kids will want to be at the park almost daily which means with their allergies we will be prepared. However we won’t let it stop us from being out and about.

macro photography of flowers
Photo by on

Here are a few more suggestions:

  • Plant Something
  • Picnic in the Park
  • Visit the Cherry Blossoms
  • Open Windows and let fresh air
  • Fly a Kite
  • Decorate your home with color
  • Visit the zoo
  • Go for daily walks for 10 minutes or more a day
  • Re-shop your closet
  • Donate clothes you no longer need or can’t fit
  • Revamp your shoes
  • Ride a bike
  • Play softball
  • Organize a group meet up
  • Go to an outdoor festival

These are the things that I enjoy.  The things to do is really limitless.  It only requires movement and enjoyment.

Spring Clean Up

With a new season its time to switch out your makeup, check your smoke detector batteries unless you have the new lifetime ones, Spring cleaning, and if you love flowers, and start getting bouquets weekly.  Clean up your areas. With a new season it means that we need to shed the old. Bring in the new with cleaning. As you clean you will find ways in which to help your living space and mindset.

self love

Spring Settings

If you have the ability to do so take a trip. Take a staycation or vacation. A change of season also increases the desire to change your setting. It’s totally okay for you to increase this desire and begin setting your social calendar with a few trips. My husband and I booked a trip for us, the family and separately we will begin business and personal trips. It’s all about balance.


What do you like about Spring?

Find those things and do them. I love my home filled with fresh flowers. For me flowers are a form of self care. When my husband gets them for me I do love it. However if I really enjoy flowers, it’s okay for me to get them for myself. There’s beauty in doing for yourself at times. So indulge. Find an open air market. Take a whirl around your neighbor. Find new restaurants and eateries to enjoy too. Spring is all about an awakening. Enjoy the joy that it will bring.  Happy Spring to all of you.

Updated March 2022

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