
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Did you even know there is such a day called Loosed and Lighten Up day? Probably not. It’s a day to remind yourself not to get so overworked over the things that can’t be changed. Whatever is in your direct power to change do that but still relieve yourself from carrying so much stress in your body.

Stress Kills

We have talked about this often. Sometimes we all the stress of life so far into our world that we can’t see what is ahead. Stress kills. Stress comes in many forms from emotional, physical, and mental. Some stress is helpful to getting us out of the bed or to complete a task. When stress is occupying your mind to the point where you can’t get anything accomplished, its time to dial stress back.

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Take Inventory of Stress

Where does your stress start from? The stress that is being ignited by others, consider there role in your world. Often times we invite people into the spaces of our lives and they keep showing you they don’t belong. Stop entertaining the points of stress in your life that  are coming from specific people. You don’t have to do that. Find a way to either eliminate them out of your life or find a way to decrease the amount of time you are spending around stressful people.

Have Fun-Lighten Up

Yes that small word, fun, is sometimes the hardest for many to do. Life and stressed has take the fun out of living. Bring joy back into your life. Go and do one thing that you enjoyed doing that is about being happy and healthy. Enjoy the times with your friends. Get outside. Take a break from your computer and social media. Whatever it is hat will bring joy and fun into your life do more of that. Find some new things that make you smile.

How to Smile when Life isn’t Light

Let’s not act as if real life problems aren’t real. Sometimes certain seasons of our life will hit us harder than others. So when life is throwing curve balls and anything else it can throw, make some time to Zen out. You need to catch your breath. Life isn’t fair but that doesn’t mean you can’t create moments of peace. I was working 2 jobs at one point. We were having some financial hard times.

I would work my regular job, grab the kids, make dinner, put them to bed, go to an event, and work at a packaging company 4-5 nights a week. Beyond exhausted so I was burnt out. I was crying in my car many nights. However the fact that when the kids needed what they needed I was able to provide it. Being able to see them smile. My husband was on his grind at that time too. We would set a day to watch a show and enjoy a snack together. It was that small creating time together that would give me strength to get up again. Life was hard but I decided to make the best of it. No one outside of my husband and I knew of that season. We decided that we were ready to take charge of our finances and make things happen.

Lighten Up

Sometimes lightening up comes from dropping weight. Maybe your weight could be physical but most times it’s not. Lighten up your circle. You may have to unload your emotional baggage. Healing in life will make you see people the way they were all along. We have blinders on our eyes based on people’s title. I had to with therapy decide that title alone isn’t enough to carry them or dismiss the foolishness that they or I produced. FYI, sometimes you too are the issue. I lost almost 100 pounds physically because I lost them on the inside first. So I lightened my load and my perceptions in life.

Fly High

You fly higher the lighter you are. You can be whatever weight you are and leave people to their own devices. Being free is really living. Its not about what you have. There are millionaires that are heavy. Lighten up who you are by being okay in the various stages you are in now. I wasn’t happy about having to work so hard but when I look at my personal buying power now, it was well worth it. I am free to fly as high as I need because my mindset is that much lighter. Free yourself!





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