
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Wednesday. Today is a good day to have a good day. This has been a great week. My kids are about 2 weeks to school. Next week I have set up an amazing before you go week. A week of fun, and arts. So stay tuned. We will be hanging out in Montgomery County. I will be doing a series in conjunction for Family Fun month. In addition I will add in some Philly fun activities too. So what has been happening this week? I can tell you that media events are plentiful for the rest of the week so a day of rest is in being inserted.

Back to School

Wednesday Wellness

This week I have been stepping back into my tea drinking. If you are a tea drinker you know that tea has so many healing qualities. Depending on what you need tea can really aid you in body and mind. One of the brands that has been my go to for the last year as been Loose Leaf Tea Market. It’s an amazing brand that is woman owned. The care that the tea comes in is like no other. In addition to its packing the tea is delicious and last for quite some time. Tea drinking is also a great form of self care. I usually love getting up before my family and open the blinds and sit in silence or with a podcast while I drink it. It’s something about that me time even if it was for 10 minutes. So if you are a tea drinker, what is your go to? When I go on a tea binge I make sure that it doesn’t have caffeine and I do my best to limit my coffee drinking as well to one cup a week.


Wednesday’s Mindset

So like most parents the final preparations for Back to School is on. On Sunday and all of next week I am doing a full week of Back to school content on Facebook. I will be posting on other social media platforms too. This is to help not only students but parents too. When your child/children are in school and you are at work or home you will need to get a new Fall schedule. This is the time to focus on your and their health. What is your vitamin game look like? Get clear and make sure that you take them. If you are a work at home mom/dad this is a great time to add work out time after you drop the kids off. I usually workout in the am to force me to get up and be productive before school drop off. Make a plan and stick to it. I am probably my most healthiest in the Fall through Spring. As the weather drops I get more active. Either way let’s develop a plan of attack now.


Social Media Notice

I love seeing so many share their stories online. We need them all. No one person can reach others. For those who are online and trying to carve out a space that works for you and others-keep up the good work. This is a great time to remind you that there are accounts online that evoke a feeling. If you are following someone online you don’t even talk to in real life, stop. There is no reason outside of keeping tabs on others. Again in my opinion people do things that make no sense and this is one. I do not follow or subscribe to things that and people who I do not align with. Like for instance there are some gossip pages that I don’t follow but I like their information. At any point when I no longer want to follow them I won’t. Take in what is for you and what isn’t let it sit. If someone or something you follow evokes a feeling of jealousy than leave it be.


Collaboration with Few Cents

I have joined forces with Few Cents and She Media to monetize my content further. It doesn’t change what you are seeing. I will use another platform for subscribers to get content that I don’t openly share soon. The purpose of Few Cents is to support Content Creators. Too many times people want to pick our brains, get stuff for free or simply want to support and this is a great way to do so. Anywhere from $2 to $10 can be easily done. Content Creating is a lot of work so your support means a lot.

few cents

I will be doing a blog post on two theater performances I attended this week. Be on the lookout in the morning and afternoon for them. I hope you are having an amazing week. I am ending the week strong with events, and time with friends. Make the best that you need and always take time out for yourself.

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