
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Wednesday. Sending love into your week. Only 3 days into the new month and so much going on. Just celebrated the official 10 year anniversary yesterday and back in to exploring the city. Today I want to talk about anxiety and how it shows up even when I look well put together.

How do you do it all?

This is a question that I get even from people who do what I do. Anxiety is ever present? Often times when I do blogs, reviews, or content regarding what I’m up to it looks great. There are smiles, laughter, fun, food, or drinks present. Let’s also remember there are always two sides to a coin! Often times I’m working ahead to stay on task. That is a lot. When anxiety creeps in I have to take mental health breaks often. So how do I do it all? Patience, understanding, husband helping me in the background, and being gentle with my needs.

Doing it All Wednesday Lesson

We all need help from time to time. I used to think that asking for help was a sign of failure. It’s not. As easy as it is to say it’s not always easy to live by. Too many times I’ve pushed past my feelings. Ignoring them won’t make it go away. I realize to sit in them and explore because there’s been protection in feeling uneasy about something. Often times trying to dial back and act like what you’re feeling isn’t real will not help. Trust yourself. Be honest if you realize that you’re operating from a place of fear. Fear is debilitating. It causes you to doubt and miss out on opportunities that you need to help you to level up.

Take a Break

If I could operate like a robot would I? No! We are in need of a break! Breaks comes in many forms. Although I can’t do it all the time something as small as a nap is helpful. Other times I may need to do some increased self care or come off of my phone. Breaks are necessary in helping you accomplish more. The more you allow your body to rest and remind yourself it’s okay and to do; the more of the right things gets done. Here are some ways to take a break:

  • Set aside time to simply sleep in for an extra hour or go to bed with intentions an extra hour
  • Sometimes I listen to a podcast but keep my phone at a distance while enjoying a cup of coffee
  • Play with the kids but again remove the phone from my distance. Kids have a way to bring in joy when you tap in
  • Set a date with friends that are outside of media events. I took a date with my girl this past Sunday and we had the best time
  • Take a walk
  • Read a book/magazine
  • Watch a movie uninterrupted
  • Me time: hair, nail, bookstore run, coffee shop time all great ways
  • Call a friend-set in on the calendar and make it happen

Midweek Wednesday Reset

So what do you need to reset your week? Is it recognizing that you need to do better in movement, hydration, or refueling with good and healthy food? Don’t just mention it implement it immediately. Do you need to eliminate some things out of your schedule? If it’s in your power to do so do it. For instance I had to decline an event because being booked and busy beyond capacity isn’t the energy that I want to be involved with. Sometimes saying no is a great way to reset. It makes you focus on what’s important.

So as we continue into our Wednesday let’s focus on what matters. Take a break, implement some self care, and crush your goals. Have a glass of wine for Wine Down Wednesday or prepare for National White Wine Day tomorrow. Have a great, stressless, and amazing week. You’re already half way there.

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