
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

We all want to be successful but are we prepared for what the success will look like? We have to be prepared for the success. So let’s dive into today’s discussion!

New Habits

You will most definitely need new habits to accommodate success. You can’t keep waking up late everyday, unprepared with your work, or not change your spending habits. In order for the new found success to be solidified you will need to make the necessary changes. With success the more good habits you will need to acquire and that is an inside job!

Inside Work

As you do the work and success increases its usually from the work you do on the inside first. It’s like losing weight. It’s not about changing the outside alone but it’s about losing the weight in your mind and the new mindsets necessary to accommodate the change. This work is a daily shedding of the old habits that you no longer need or won’t service you in your new mental space.

Staying Grounded

This concept of staying grounded and humble will first be tested within you rams and lastly by those in your inner circle. It gets tested even more when those in your inner circle aren’t on the same level as you are. People don’t look at the change you make with pure intentions. People don’t see the small changes. They aren’t tapped into the weeks and months leading up to your big reveal. Matter of fact they haven’t even noticed that it’s been a minute since you called or engaged them. You have officially “changed!”

Change is Good

Aren’t we supposed to change? Aren’t we supposed to be a little better today than yesterday? Yes! Like I said earlier, when people aren’t in the same mental space they see your change as a devastation of them. You are acting “new.” You’re too big to be around them! The amount of time people waste in checking the temperature of your loyalty while not realizing that loyalty would never harm personal progress! No one’s loyalty should impede your personal growth.

New Hindsight

Change brings new long last hindsight. The hard work you have put in opens your eyes to what’s now available. You’re no longer willing to self sabotage your life. You’re no longer willing to play small. You know better so now you’re able to do better. You’re not wanting to go backwards. The vision is clear and the road towards the vision is illuminated. So with your new vision don’t be afraid that the day ones may turn. Don’t be afraid to step into your long awaited essence! It’s scary but this is the very thing you prayed for!

Take Off

Don’t be afraid to step into this new ordained life. For the many times you failed it’s well deserving. Every time someone said you wouldn’t be anything-be the thing they said you didn’t deserve. All of the tears of inadequacies step into the confidence that was always inside of you. You were made for this moment. So shine.

Happy Monday! Let’s go do what needs to be done!

In light of the increased violence that has come to light, I want to hold each family in prayer. Sending love to every hurting soul! Find joy today! It doesn’t have to come with a price tag. Something that may not change your situation but can change your perspective! Find it. Share it!

Take breaks, deep breath, eat well-let’s go conquer Monday!

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