We all have story. Some good parts and some not so good parts! We are flawed individuals. Even with the flaws don’t discount your story. Your story is how you maneuvered through the difficult times. Your story will inspire many. Be willing to share your story with others. You never know who needs to hear it!

What’s Your Story?
I hear people say all the time that they don’t feel as if they have accomplished anything worthy of sharing. I know that’s not true. Some of the very everyday accomplishments are worthy of gratitude. It’s a blessing to leave your home and come back. There are things that you have done in a day’s time that would make another person feel like a failure. Since we have a story we need to find ways to share it. The PK (Preacher’s Kid) in me knows that our story is our testimony of the good and sometimes bad that we have done and overcame!

Sharing Your Story
I have been sharing with you, my community, for almost 7 years. Sharing the ups and downs of my journey with life, anxiety, depression, self care, motherhood, and being a wife. Some of the stories have been filled with tips and encouragement. Some have been a confession of failure. That’s how life works. Sharing my story and seeing the growth is how you encourage yourself and others.
Perfection vs. Perception
This ideal of perfection needs to end. It doesn’t exist. I refuse to stress myself to achieve it. Perception too depending on how it’s used can be faltering as well. The need to appear perfect or always on top can alter your mental health. No one wants that. Learning to rock with yourself is the biggest confidence builder you will ever need. Learning to love yourself is one of the ways to help you not take your story for granted.

Deciding When and How to Share
We all share parts of our lives. If it’s not on social media, it’s through talking with others, being in groups with others, or using a platform to share. It depends on the level of what you want to share! I chose to share my life on a blog, podcast, and social media. You’re level of sharing may be in the form of conversations with others or even in the form of volunteering. Whatever you choose you are in total control!
Sharing Too Much
In this social media world some think it’s too much to share while others have no filter. For instance when I first began I was told I shared too much. When I shared things like my hysterectomy which is personal I did that as a form of helping the next woman when she had hers. I looked all online and couldn’t find someone my age who had been through it. I wanted to know what to expect and couldn’t find anything on it. Sharing for me allowed a woman to be more prepared in what led up to the surgery, during, and after from a non medical person! First person experiences help others.

What’s Your Purpose
There has to be a purpose in everything that you do. Is it to inspire? What’s your goal, is it to build a sense of community where there isn’t? Is it to gain followers? Is it to uplift the community? Define your purpose. When I started this blog almost 7 years ago I was dealing with postpartum depression. I wanted to share so that another woman who may have difficulty recognizing herself would find comfort that she wasn’t alone. Since then I’ve added surviving anxiety, wellness, and self care. I’m clear that I want to share to help. I’m clear on on that purpose no matter what has transpired. Know and live your purpose.
This is a a word that people speak on all of the time. How to allow authenticity show. In my opinion it comes naturally when you naturally allow it to shine. I can naturally speak well on my life as a story teller to inspire. It flows from my mind, and my life to paper. I show that well in my post without having to use a thousand filters because I know who I am and I align with my purpose daily. Anything that you have to force don’t do! Even with blog writing if it doesn’t flow, I let it go! I won’t spend hours writing it. I write the topic down and may revisit it at another time.

So we all have a story. How and how much you share depends on what you believe is your purpose in sharing. If you’re only interested in letting others know you have stuff it will come off. If you’re looking to inspire, it will come as so! Align with your purpose and true authenticity will always show. You can’t help but to be able to tap into a person who loves themselves, is true to their purpose, and tells it like it is with grace. Today, share something about yourself in a way that uplifts and I promise you it will. We are so much aligned in life but we place separators and make things complicated. Whatever you have gone through there’s someone behind you wanting to know how you overcame! Help them by sharing!