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Monday Motivation: Eliminating Stress

Happy Monday. Eliminating stress isn’t as easy as it sounds. The times that we take in stress is usually due to life happening. As life takes it toll on our mental health it may be bringing us to a point of being overwhelmed. If you are overwhelmed, let’s find better ways to work through it.

Monday Reminder

Waking up on this Monday, you may need a reminder. The reminder of waking up is a blessing. That blessing doesn’t eliminate stress. Be honest about your needs. Sometimes the needs brings its own levels of stress. Take the needs in strides. Find a way to figure if the needs is more about departmentalizing goals or a true bonafide need. You need housing, water, and other needs. If your need is simply about getting things to feel better this needs to be re-evaluated. It’s okay to desire a better life. However there is a fine line between better vs simply keeping up with the Joneses.

Stress as a Motivator

There are times when stress can be a motivation. I have had moments in life where something happened and I knew I had to make moves. In making those moves I took a desire from thought to fruition. Stress doesn’t have to always be a negative thing. However make sure that you aren’t being a professional people pleaser. This is where the real work comes in. I used to convince myself that making others around me happy would make me happy. Often times it didn’t help. Motivate yourself to be your best version. Stress while you are working on you is inevitable. But if that stress is making you sick, colliding with your mental health, or taking away from you being kind to those around you-eliminate it.

How to Eliminate Stress

This is where you have to learn to have a personal set of goals to elimination of stress. What I mean is, what you eliminate may not be what someone else needs to get rid of. Take the time to be honest. Sometimes the biggest issue of stress is lying to ourselves that it exists. Stress can come in a lot of forms. Consistently hollering, emotions out of control, or more could be a cry for a stressful overload.

Monday Shift

Today make a list. It doesn’t have to be a super long list. The list should consist of at least one thing that you want, need, or would have it resources weren’t an issue. Look at the list and see how each category holds up. With the list, make a plan. The plan doesn’t have to have all of the answers mapped out. However, if you have never taken the time to see the vision-do it now. On Mondays I usually write down what I need for the week. This comes in many categories such as Family, Self, Marriage, Job, and more. I see how one category may need more attention than others. The biggest thing I notice, is where and who I have given my attention to. If the scales are tipped one way or another, finding unique ways to fill balance them as much as possible.

This is the reason I have eliminated being on the scene lately. I needed to take a step back for my selfcare. Missing things doesn’t make or break my career but it can and was breaking points of rest, and more. I was burned out. Burnout is real and happens more times than we want it to.

I hope that your Monday finds you with a better mapped out plan on what and who to get rid of. Do not let the week get ahead of you. Instead, be honest. Find ways to add in self care. Take care of you always. Happy  Monday.



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