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Monday Motivation: How to Crush your Goals even When No one is Paying Attention

Happy Monday. Here’s to a great week ahead. So how exactly can we prepare for a successful week this week? Prepare the things that we need. This may be an early week as the holidays near. So let’s prepare what we know we will need ahead of time.

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Meal Prep Monday Reset

You may be going on vacation soon. However if you are going to be local, plan the meals that you need ahead of time. It’s no secret that we don’t eat as healthy as we should. So there are no bad foods. It’s how we eat them and what our bodies need that makes us have to second think our choices. If breakfast is a sore spot for you in the world of preparation, consider some choices like overnight oats, making egg white bites, or burritos. These are things that you can prepare overnight and have them be a grab and go option. One of the things that people tend to do is wait until New Year Day and make these changes go into effect. Do not wait. You know your body and are aware that often times if you don’t have a breakfast plan that by mid morning you are eating things you wish you had walked back.

Goal Setting this Week

Have a plan. There isn’t a day that you don’t need a plan.  Just because its the holiday week doesn’t mean you don’t need a plan of action. If you are taking it easy-plan it. What are the things that you are mostly looking forward to doing? Whatever that is-indulge in it. If you are shopping last minute, read up on yesterday’s blog so you can make a plan of attack. If you are like me and finishing up on your last projects of the year, take each step one at a time. Make a list and a plan to attack the list. Take breaks where you can. Take care of you.

End of Year Preparations

You will hear all kinds of advice like washing of your clothes, making certain meals, but like the beginning of the year-the end is a celebration of the end of however your year ended. Some people struggled this year. If that is you, take a deep breath. You are making it through one of the toughest years so far. Be gentle with the goals you had. This is the time of year when you will re-evaluate yourself. Don’t stress over it. Sometimes it’s about survival. If you have survived take the win. You can always add more plans into the New Year as you see fit. Remember life is about a little flexibility.

Monday Blues and Seasonal Blues

There is a difference in having the Monday Blues. Monday Blues is not liking the start of the week. So you may struggle with getting up and getting focused. This happens from time to time. Keep in mind in order to end the week strong its better to start the week strong too. You don’t have to like Mondays to get up and show up. Seasonal Depression is not the same as simply not liking Mondays.

Seasonal Depression can come in waves. Some days during this season where it gets darker sooner, the weather may be changing from warmer to colder people struggle. It’s a real life issue that if you are experiencing it, know you aren’t alone. Sometimes understanding how normal it is can be helpful.

Monday Plan around the Blues

Get a game plan for your Seasonal Depression. For instance, I have one friend and I talk to that one friend as a check in. We talk to one another regarding how we are doing in this season. We also encourage each other to stay as active as possible. It’s necessary to eat well, and move during this time.  I also open my blinds daily. Even on days where there is no sun, the natural light helps to build a better mood.

Also getting outside even if I have to bundle up I still take walks and get some fresh air. I use my sleep machine more too. I am more aware of my sleep patterns. Getting enough rest as well as drinking enough fluids helps in great ways.

So I hope this week is all that you want. It has nothing to do with whether or not you celebrate Christmas. There is life outside of the holiday. You have a week ahead of you that needs you to be at your best so you can be in alignment for the blessings in store for you. So I want you to do what you always do and that’s set yourself up for an amazing week.  Crush your goals. and do all that you can to show up for yourself even when the world is not paying you attention. Happy Monday-let’s do this!

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