
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Monday! Another day and another amazing week ahead of us. We have to talk about something we all deal with in our own way-anxiety! Anxiety is the stress that we feel that tells us that we can’t have or do. It’s an overwhelming feeling and it manifest itself in various ways!

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Monday’s and Anxiety

Don’t get it twisted, stress comes on ALL days. It’s doesn’t have a favorite day. For some simply waking up on Monday with Monday blues is a cause of stress. Overthinking what your next step is to be is anxiety! Feeling like you won’t accomplish anything or you’re not prepared is a form of anxiety. So it you woke up feeling that work week anxiety-I understand!

Anxiety’s Hold

In some form we all may encounter anxiety however it manifests itself very differently in each person! For me when I get increasingly irritable is a telltale sign for me. I also tend to worry without being able to stop it like a stop watch. I’ve been more in tune to it these days and with help with my therapist figure out. For me I get really anxious when I’m feeling insecure. It takes a lot of maturity to learn yourself and apply positive reinforcement.


Solutions vary depending on person to person! For me when I wake up and don’t take the time to take a deep breath and pray or meditate, anxiety will sneak in. On days when I’m solid on prayer and meditating but I don’t take breaks my schedule can cause anxiety. Everyone is completely different in what they need to get through an anxiety attack. Some people really do have panic attacks that mimic a heart attack. I use to get these all the time. Before I give you a list of symptoms and practical ways to combat it, let’s talk about children.

Children and Anxiety

I think people are seeing it now since the pandemic has taken place that children have anxiety or can absorb anxiety from adults around them. Some children can’t tell you what they are going through because they don’t understand it. For instance if your child is having anxiety over test or a student that is giving them an issue-they may get in trouble more. Unexplained stomach or headaches are a sign of anxiety in children. So take some time to listen to your child and focus on those outward manifestations that something is wrong. Don’t be so quick to think they are “making” things up. Even “bad” behavior is a form of communication!

Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Headaches
  • Stomach aches
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Digestive issues

Ways to Help Anxiety

  • Be honest about it
  • Talk to your doctor
  • Therapy
  • Meditation
  • Healthy diet
  • Increase physical activity
  • Sleep schedule
  • Avoid/limit caffeine
  • Avoid/limit alcohol

Anxiety is common! It happens in adults and children alike. It’s okay to deal with it but it’s not okay to allow the anxiety to spill over into all areas of life without attempting to deal with it! Being honest this morning and every morning about where you are is helpful. Try to keep a journal. I found in my journals that certain times of the year I dealt with the same levels of anxiety. In the winter it was Winter Blues.

Anxiety and Relationships

You may find someone you’re around triggers you. This applies in romance and love relationships! Loving and staying around that type of energy aren’t one and the same. I broke up with an ex because he was unhealthy for me. The level of anxiety I had would be off the charts around him. I was losing my hair, breaking out, and losing weight. Anxiety and stress are like twins. Both are unhealthy if left untreated! That ex wouldn’t help me to be the best version of myself. He would encourage bad eating habits. He would introduce things that had I been in love and balanced I wouldn’t have gone for. We were both toxic for one another! In my marriage especially with good mental health care, my husband is encouraging me to reach for the stars. He helps me in every way he can while allowing me to shine without it bruising his ego! There’s a big difference!

So take stock of your anxiety. Be mindful of yourself. This is why wellness is important. It’s more about healthy outlook from head to toe than it is about losing weight! Wellness will have your alignment with life in a balanced way! Take charge of your day today and everyday! You can do it! You got this!

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