
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

A new month is upon us! We should be finding new ways to be better than the last month. What is your motivation? What drives you? If you’re struggling to discover your goals, let’s talk about it today!

How Wanting What Someone has is a way to flip motivation

Coveting what someone has isn’t okay. This is when covetous behavior can lead to a life of jealousy. Jealousy can lead to unhealthy expectations. Finding a way to desire something and using the motivation to flip the source of what you want can help you crush the goal.

Ask why?

Sometimes the why leads you to a better understanding of your motivation. Instead of simply “wanting a seat to the table,” ask why. Why do you want a seat and once you have it what will you do with the place setting?! I used to want a life that appeared to be within reach but I found my why was simply just to see if I could get it! Your why should be something that brings upon a positive influence.

March Goal Setting Initiatives

So now that we have a new month and that is going to come with its own set of trials, how do we do it?

If you’re visual like me, you may need to find a way to see your goals. This could be done by writing the goals on a calendar style. Also this could be done by using apps that helps you bring all of your goals to one place. One of the ones I like would be Accomplish! One old school way would be to use a vision board that can have yearly or even monthly goals. Nothing is better than poster board and markers!

Goal Details, How Detailed Should it Be?

You can start off broad and go back and add details as you go. It’s equally important to have a goal and follow it with a plan of execution. If you’re starting a blog you may want to write the detail as finding a website to host, content writing, and how consistent you plan to write. This is a pretty overview of goals and how to make it a plan to work. If you need to go back and write a months worth of topics and times you will post, it’s up to you. The most important part is about being intentional about your plans!

March to Greatness

So March is here and if you’re ready to do the work it will be all that you desire! New month always means new goals. Whatever you want to bring to fulfillment, now is the time! I want you to visualize your goals, write, draw, or use an app to keep it all organize! Either way no need to sell yourself short! It’s time to step right into destiny! Let’s make March all that it can be! Did you make mistakes last month? Yes I’m sure! Did you blow some chances? Possibly. Keep in mind that what’s for you is for you! Nothing is ever lost!

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