Happy Monday! Let’s start today with intentions. Today is National Flowers and Common Courtesy day. As we continue to celebrate Spring and the awakening it brings let’s also remember we have no excuses.
No Excuses Mentality
Before you bring up a thousand excuses for your whys, let’s take a moment to reflect. You ever see on social media the big stories of people doing extraordinary things? They conquer little or big tasks like it’s an issue. They have the same hesitations that we all have. Something on the inside decided to keep going. They get so many people intrigued because everyone loves to see someone win. They took a situation and made the best out of it.

For example there was an older woman who needed to lose weight. She had no gym and no one to help her. So she walked her apartment. She could have done that by walking in place daily. Also she could have walked her living room or kitchen. However she did it she lost 75 pounds and is healthier. So the excuse initially would have been no accountability partner or gym. Instead she did what she had to do and made her goal attainable. You can do the same. Experience a setback, and do something to turn it around.
Life Happens
We all know that even when you’re focused and can see a clear path that life will happen. There’s nothing wrong with being real about your situation. I also understand the need to verbalize how you’re feeling. However it’s the steps you take after that matter. If you’re focusing on what dropped you won’t focus on how to pick it up! I’m a firm believer in balance. This means yes be upset but do something with that energy that will help you get to your destination.

How to Goal Set in the Middle of a Setback
I’ve been stuck in the middle of a setback more times than I can count. It sucks. It feels like the worse pain you will ever feel. You aren’t sure what you’re next steps could possibly be. Take a moment whether that’s a few hours or days to adjust. It’s okay to feel deflated! Like the air has been knocked out of you. However after your moment, your first order of business is to resift your mindset. The old goal is over at this point. The new goal is where we place the energy.

Setback Hurt
I can’t stress enough how painful something your really wanted or even needed feels to be taken from you. I do know that life is unpredictable and quitting isn’t an option. You have yourself to depend on. Others may be counting on you. Your goals are counting on you too. Life is meant to be lived. We know that nothing isn’t promised. If you’re willing to do the work and push past how you feel, you can turn anything around. So that the opportunity to do just that.
Unmotivated Monday?
It happens. You wake up not ready to do the work. Woke up late? On “wrong” side of the bed? Depression kicking your butt? All of these things can contribute to feeling overwhelmed. It happens. What do you need at this very moment? Often times little things can alter the mood. I use my CalmiGo, take a walk, listen to a podcast, cry and release, or even sometimes a favorite song. Do the small activity to start the process.

Today is National flowers day. I plan to start my Monday with some. Fresh flowers always make me feel good. I will light a new candle I was given. Some ways of changing the mindset. You can do anything. Failure isn’t the option. Giving up isn’t apart of our vocabulary. You can turn it around and it starts with you. Happy Monday! I hope today is a great start to your week!
Here are my Motivation starters for the day:
Song of the day: NF “No Excuses”
Podcast: 7 Good Minutes Daily “How to find your hidden talent“
Goals of the day: organize the house, meetings, and switch out the St. Patrick’s tree
Movement of the day: Running for at least 3 miles
Make today amazing as you are!