
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Monday motivation

Happy Monday. Today is a great day to have a great day. With that being said, today I want to talk about your comfort zone. I know that many times if something makes you uncomfortable you shouldn’t proceed. That is wise. However there are times when we pin ourselves to not going the distance because most of the time we are scared. So let’s talk about it.

Monday motivation

Monday Fear Talk

Fear is real. It was the number one reason after I was encouraged to start this blog it didn’t launch until a year later. I was afraid of how I would be perceived. Fear is always a motivator in some ways but it can delay you too. If I kept walking in my fear the blog as I know it and the many things that have come from this venture wouldn’t even have happened. I wouldn’t know that it would be okay in the long run. Fear is always going to be present. My therapist told me to take fear with me until it dropped. That advice has helped me. I still feel anxiety often. My anxiety comes when I am in a new environment or around strangers. But I trust that if I was invited into a room I am going to own it.

Monday motivation

Also sometimes it’s not the fear in losing as much as it’s the fear of winning. Some people know they have a great idea and know it will be successful and that success scares them. Also know there’s nothing too saturated that it leaves you out of making it happen. If you bake cakes, there isn’t too many bakers. You just have to bake and bake well. Work on your business plan. Know there will be some NOs. Keep on going. Advertise and place yourself out there as you perfect your craft. Always no matter what you are working on never forget your why. Your why is what motivates you past the frustration of making it work.

Comfort Zone

What is your comfort zone. Is it to be in the same place you are now. If you know that you want to walk in growth you have to be  willing to do the work. Work sounds hard. Sometimes it is and often it’s not. The work may be making the initial step and allowing things to fall in place. For example, I was invited to an event. Maybe it was who was in the room, but I almost turned around and walked out. I met some incredible people and that allowed me to connect with the very organization that has propelled my site, blog, and more into opportunities.

Monday motivation

Monday Reconnecting

How are you going to reconcile the fear and make your life count? Time to make a plan. You can do whatever you want. It may take work. There is something that we all can do to add value in this world. Let’s start with the knowledge that we are all worthy. It doesn’t matter if you made a ton of mistakes. Mistakes are warning to you to stay connected and grounded.

You can recover from any mistake you have ever made. I am a living witness to that. In addition, to not allowing the mistakes to stop you, are able to make one task that gets you to the goals. If you have goals let’s take one step. I write down my goals for the day. Some of the ways I divide the goals into personal, mental, business, marital, and family. Then I make one step in each area. This has helped me to be able to focus on what’s important.

As we continue in our Monday goals, keep in mind that nothing is outside of our grasp. We may have to work to get to the goals we set-do that. Also, the comfort zone is a safety net. However sometimes we don’t want our comfort zone, to get in the middle of crossing with fear and stop you from working towards your goal. Happy Monday.


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