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Riverbend Enviromental Education Center


When was the last time you took a hike or planted a tree? I took the kids to Riverbend Environmental Educational Center and we did both. Earth Day is over but celebrating the Earth should be apart of what we do daily. What are some ways that you are contributing to conserving the Earth’s resources. In addition, being outside is a way to help with self care and a mental break as well.

Riverbend and the Animals

I love how Riverbend has quite a few animals that they take care of. From frogs to turtles, snakes, and more. My children enjoyed learning about each of them and their habitats. One of the aspects that I enjoyed was seeing how knowledgeable my children already were. They were excited not just to learn, but to touch them, and see them. A lot of the animals were really a lot more comfortable than they were when I went the first time. The care that the staff take in keeping their feeding schedules and more is commendable.

Planting Trees with Riverbend

So with that being said we as a family, planting a Red bulb tree. I loved it. The staff took their time with my kids. My kids are from 8-12. They were excited to dig, play in the dirt, and more. I was happy to see them just explore. They ran around, rolled down the hill, and played in the creek. It reminded me of the simpler times when I was child. My heart was full seeing how they maneuvered. Riverbend offered the program where for $25 per family you could plant a tree, learn about what Riverbend has to offer, and more. Thanks Lorna for such an amazing job!

Riverbend and the Aquaponics

If you have never heard of Aquaponics than you are missing out. Its a great way to use water to build a greenhouse. It’s amazing to see how simply harvesting fish’s waste, are converted with water to help the green house thrive without soil. Riverbend takes great care of the Aquaponics. My children already knew what it was. That let me know that my private school money isn’t going to waste. Also the lighting inside of the Aquaponics are goals. I know that sounds weird to say but it. Every time I have gone has been when I was having the weirdest of days. 15 minutes inside of the Aquaponics and my whole mood changes.

Self Care and Nature

I have been saying for awhile, being in nature is a form of self care. Taking a walk outside or simply sitting outside is key. So being able to do that and more at Riverbend has been great. I watched as the kids rolled down the hill several times. So although I didn’t roll with them; I did simply sit and enjoy the fresh air. Allowed myself to walk around and simply not worry about my phone, responsibilities, and even said a prayer while there. It’s the fact that sometimes you don’t allow yourself to catch your breath more. Who knew that this small oasis was just what I needed. Also I almost lost it when a frog jumped on me. My kids got a great laugh at my expense.

Upcoming Events at Riverbend

Tadpole Transformation: This will be held on Saturday May 7th from 2-4. Come see the tadpoles in their environment while you walk at your own pace. There is at least 2 ponds that I saw. This is where the frog jumped out. I think outside of the animals and the tree planting the children really enjoyed seeing them. This event is open to individuals and those with kids. It’s also a pay as you go event. Register for the event.

Spring Saunter: This event is on Saturday May 21, 2022 from 10am-12pm. It’s a walk event that is 2 hours. You will meet at the parking lot, and walk to various spots to navigate.  This is also a pay as you wish. You must register. Also if weather is an issue you will be notified via email the day before.

So from learning, self care, and exploration there’s a lot to be done at Riverbend. They also work with various school districts to learn about the Aquaponics. It’s a great way to learn about what it takes to make food and be hands on with it. Make Riverbend apart of your family’s favorite this Spring and beyond.

Thank you to the staff of Riverbend for all your help. We will back to explore.

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