
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

What are you waiting for? Whatever is on your list to do, now is the time to do it. We have learned during this pandemic that we can’t live with regrets! However the bigger issue outside of life being short is that we don’t have to have all of the answers in order to make the move happen. The whole when I get things in order is no longer a thing, just do it!

Procrastination is Not Fuel

I’ve never been one for last minute planning. The stress of waiting until the last minute is too overwhelming for me. I try not to allow that level of craziness in my life. So many others don’t feel that way. They like the adrenaline of last minute. I’ve heard many say it fuels them. If that’s your cup of tea than by all means, carry on. For the rest of the world, stop putting off tomorrow what you can do today. Trust me most times you end up hurting yourself. Make plans to make yourself a priority.

Unavailable Resources Means We Get Creative

Growing up I watched the people around me use what they had to get what they wanted or needed. Take that interpretation how you would like. They didn’t sit around most times wallowing over what they didn’t have. They were creative. From struggle meals, to turn around miracles things got done. Times were hard but much more simpler. Now we have in my opinion more resources to make life happen. We have our phones and that alone can get us resources most people had to “hit the pavement” to obtain. If something isn’t there let’s create it and think outside of the box!

Build A Strong Team and Collaborate

Collaboration over competition is the best way to win! As much as you can do by yourself, you can do more with a team. Don’t pick your friends just because your friends want to be apart of the dream. Pick those on the team who come with skills you need. Working on a project? Hire someone with marketing skills. Hire a photographer. Hire a social media manager. My favorite too, learn the skills yourself. There are things like Skill Share where you can learn the skills you need especially when money is tight in the beginning. Just do it!

Win with a Winning Mindset

Nothing can be done if you’re stuck in a mindset that isn’t about winning. Not having enough of what you need is truly frustrating. However at some point you will have to change the perspective to win. It’s hard after having many setbacks. I get it! I’ve been there. However greater is ahead and can only be achieved with knowing you got this! Take the mindset of I got this and see your dream all the way through. You owe it to yourself to make it happen!

Tips to Help You Win

  • Surround yourself with a winning team
  • Use social media as network-follow your dream team and never copy but learn their work ethic
  • Obtain more skills by attending conferences (many are free)
  • Use things like Skill Share to develop areas you lack
  • Acquire apps like Canva and Tailwind to help you create
  • Mindset off in live and affecting your dreams-consider therapy. Expensive? Yes consider finding one who has a sliding scale fee to make the therapy affordable
  • Make the choice to do all of this today

So I need you to just do it! You need you to just do it! Take today to devise a plan and make it happen! You got this!

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