
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Sunday! I know I haven’t done a Sunday message in a long time. I’ve been so engulfed in just rest. So I’ve been working ahead on the blogs so that I can have them done and edited. Today’s lesson is going to be on your list of acceptable behavior.

Therapy and Acceptable Behavior

So in therapy is where you find health ways to communicate with others. You also learn some communication that also doesn’t work for you too. So I used to just be in a triggered position because when I would communicate I would get push back. FYI one lesson you learn is you can’t make anyone do any thing. However you can remove yourself from anyone who doesn’t respect your healing journey.

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Unacceptable Behavior

For me I can become triggered by words. Not just any words. These are words used by the people in my life who in the past I’ve allowed them to hurt me. For instance when people are dismissive they say, Whatever! That word has been a trigger because in the instance of how they were used it would be to dismiss conversations. When someone says them it doesn’t bother me. It’s when it’s used in a conversation while I am telling someone that their behavior that they are exhibiting isn’t working for me. That is when I speak up about it’s usage.

It’s Just Words or Phrases

Everyone has something that people say that gets to them. For me “Whatever”, “you’re being too sensitive,” or “better you than me” are 3 phrases that get under my skin. For years I would dismiss it as me being the issue. As I started dealing with how those phrases made me feel, I speak up on it often. Words or phrases that make you feel a certain way is important to be honest about them.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Sometimes the words or phrases that upset you are because the feelings of a past incident. There are many incidents that have come from taking care of my mental health that I had to address. It’s not easy too when you figure out that the words or incidents that make you uncomfortable are self induced. If you have a good therapist they aren’t going to allow you to not be real with yourself. Sometimes you will find that while you played victim you might also have been the toxic one.

Phrase or Word of the Year: Sunday Lesson

A lot of people have their word that they focus on. It can be things like consistency. So you will see people post or have little reminders of how to be consistent. I have 3 phrases that help me while working on my personal healing. This is an activity that my therapist gave me a few years ago.  I probably have a lot of journals but its to help me write out those and other things that I need to work through. It’s something about writing things out that helps with processing. 

Sunday plants

Sunday Reset

Weekends move fast. As we prepare for our upcoming week let’s do it with intention. Do the things that will help your upcoming week. That could be resting, meal prepping, organizing, etc. Do what works for you. Find ways to set yourself up for a successful week.  I like to make sure meals are ready, laundry is ready, and the little things that I need are accounted for. Make your Sunday what you want it to be!

Sunday Funday

Don’t discount a little Sunday fun either! Sundays can be spent having some fun. Brunch with friends. There are several amazing places to eat all over. Shopping, or some activities too. Whatever you choose to do enjoy it. Sundays should be for resetting, fun, rest, and preparing for your week ahead.

If you are considering therapy I of course will encourage you to do so. It’s not just for those who deal with trauma. It can be for any reason. There are therapist for everything. Finding the one that you are comfortable with is key. I give some checklists of things to look into if you’re interested. If you have a bad experience with a therapist, regroup. Find someone that works for you. Don’t be discouraged Happy Sunday!

I hope today is amazing for you! Tomorrow we will be back with Monday Motivation!

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