
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Monday to do list

Happy Monday! I hope your Monday is starting off right. As we start Monday and prepare for whatever the day brings I hope that we are also taking steps to be productive. It’s also National Compliment Day. Pin it for later

Compliments are Free

There’s already enough negativity. I have a sleep alarm on my phone that stops notifications from coming in from 10pm-6am. When I finally open my phone there’s way too many notifications of death, hurt, pain, etc. When was the last time you paid someone a compliment? If you don’t remember use today to just that. It doesn’t cost money to pay someone a compliment. A compliment is encouraging and brings a smile on others.

Monday breakfast

Staying Focused

Keeping your focus isn’t always as easy. There are many distractions in life. What do you really want to happen? Like I tell my children, focus now and reap the benefits later. Some people want the benefits now. Life isn’t always set up that way. We have to be focused on our goals and especially the road to complete them.

Monday Reset

Mondays are hard for a lot of people. Getting up after sleeping in or relaxing all weekend and having to get to your responsibilities isn’t easy. Adulting requires it. So as you rise and head into work, log on from your computer at home, take care of your children, or whatever you do-reset your mind. Focus again on what is important to you. Manage your time. Take care of yourself. Eat well, and drink your water. Take breaks. All of these suggestions are helpful in getting through the day.

To Do List

I have always been a champion of to do list. I love them. You might not. If there is some way of organizing your list of to dos-do it. For me creating a list and seeing things marked off helps. Also with a to do list, learn to prioritize. So many people get overwhelmed when they see the list and it looks like its too complicated.  I try my best to see what is necessary first. Then take the list from there on down. This is super helpful in making sure that not only am I getting what is pressing done first, but allows me to be organized in my thoughts. 

Monday to do list

Monday Hiccups

If you are like me and you are organized you know that there are times when no matter how you plan. something goes left. For instance my husband’s car tire went flat. I needed to be somewhere so we had to work around that so that I would get to my destination and he wouldn’t be left without a working car in case of emergency. This was after I had everything nice and ready for the children. Bags packed and medicine/vitamins ready to go. We were looking like we were ahead of schedule. Life happens. If you are experiencing one of those Monday moments do NOT let that get to you. Take a deep breath and start a new. This is the concept of a reset. Taking the time to control your emotions around what is happening to you so you can have a better outcome. 

Monday reset

I can’t imagine the things that are on your heart and mind as you venture out into the world today. I only hope and pray that it all works out in your favor. Today like any other day is a new start. Sometimes those new start still don’t always feel the best. If you woke up today and have an opportunity to carve the day the way you want-that in itself is a blessing. 


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