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Sunday Morning: Spring is on its way

Happy Sunday. Last week especially if you live in the North was met with some warm weather. It was amazing to sit out front and watch the kids play. Fast forward yesterday as I went to the nail salon, it’s back to brick. That Spring preview only has me thinking of ways we can prepare for a new season.

Spring Preparation

So what are your go to(s) when it comes to preparing for Spring? You should have a ritual that you do to prepare for new seasons of life. The same can be said for life seasonal changes too. You can’t be ready if you haven’t prepared. So it’s time to talk about what Spring represents and how to get ready and aligned.


Spring usually means renewal of life. Coming off of Winter this is much welcomed. Also with the year we have had of the pandemic this is very welcomed time. Today alone we Sprung forward with time. This makes our evening with more daylight time. Time for us to get outside and enjoy life again albeit safely. So how are you renewing your mind and body in preparation to enjoying this space?

New Mindset

I hear people say, “this is me I’m not switching it up for nobody!” It always makes me cringe when I hear this. I know on the surface that people use it to say they aren’t changing for people around them but…you have to be able to change in life. Life is about change. It’s not those who have the most resources or are the smartest who survive. It’s those who learn how to manage change. So why is it that we don’t feel we need to constantly change our mindsets? We do by the way.

Brighter Days Start with Brighter Outlooks

This time last year it was scary and upsetting and all of us was left confused as to what the future was going to look like. This on top of waiting by my phone as family and a lot of my friends were dealing with COVID-19 related illnesses and sickness. As I prayed for all of them, every day I had to shut that negative energy out and show up if nothing but for my children. Everyday I got up and found something to smile about. Did this mean all was well daily? Nope not at all! However getting up and doing my part is important. So now it’s your turn. New season, new mindset, what will you do with your daily time?

Spring Cleaning

I’m a firm believer that there are some great things that we can do around our home to prepare. I mean you don’t need a change in seasons to clean but if you’re looking for one, Spring is a good one. You ever hear the term Spring cleaning? It’s the cleaning of the Winter ways. You change out bedding styles from heavy blankets to lighter ones.  Clean windows and window sills. Deep clean ovens, clean carpets if you have them. You switch out decorations and bring in colored pieces to your home. There’s some Spring cleaning in your personal life that can be done too.

Personal Spring

I know it’s time for me to get this body out the door more and exercise. It’s time for me to make sure all of the things that I love to do with my body be it shaving, facials (when it’s safe enough) etc. and come out of the Winter baggy look. I like to add color to my wardrobe and a few dresses. Am I going anywhere-very limited places with social distancing. However even if I’m home there are some causal cute dresses that are comfortable but cute. I’ll be in them and out of my sweatsuits.

Ladies I would encourage you to go through your makeup and see what needs to be thrown out and what needs to be replaced. Here’s your cheat sheet by Real Simple!

It’s important to follow the makeup suggestions due to makeup causing bacteria that can clog your pores.

Spring Lift

Listen I want all of us to take note of our mental health, bodies, outdoor ventures, etc. I want us to make sure that we prepare for it. Start getting your mental together. I’m a big advocate of therapy no matter what time of the year it is. I want us to find ways to dig deeper and this is why. As we get outside and enjoy life especially since vaccinations will allow many to socialize more we have a natural tendency to put our mental on the back burner. We get more caught up with just socializing but not our health. I need us to be more in tuned with our needs.

So what do I want you to take away from this? Whatever part spoke to you. The highlights are a new season is upon us and we need to get ready. Getting ready in all aspects from our personal bodies, home, and mind. We need to find ways to enjoy this life. Challenges are never going to stop. How we deal with those challenges matter. The sun will increase as well as more daytime hours so let’s use the time effectively. Let’s prepare for this season and enjoy it. Now let me go book that therapy appointment, make some new bouquets to brighten my home and switch out my decor.

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