
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

2022 is on its way and that’s a beautiful thing. With a new year on the horizon let’s talk about way we can look ahead. New Year’s Eve is generally one of the biggest celebrations. How do we celebrate them while getting our ducks in order?!

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Celebrate The Good Times

These last 2 years have been a little dim when it comes to celebration. The nation has had its fair share of highs and lows. From city infractions, global pandemics, lost of life, jobs on decline, there’s a lot to not want to celebrate. As we move ahead, celebrate the accomplishments big or small. They are worthy to be celebrated. As long as you are alive and have the option of doing well-celebrate. The celebration can be big and lavish to as small as a favorite drink and a deep breath.

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Remember the Hard Times

We all know if you simply live a little, life has a way of teaching us hard lessons. Those lessons no matter how difficult they are, become the part that makes us who we need to be. Remember those lessons and you forge ahead. They are the stepping stones to greatness. The fact that you are still standing matters. Whatever you had going on in this year as it may have made you bend it didn’t break you. You win no matter how dark it looks.

What are your Goals? New Year, New You?

This simple question trips people up daily. Some don’t believe in resolutions so when you ask this question so close to the New Year, people spend more time debating on the word instead of the principle. Goals should be something that you look at daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly. If you’re not goal setting how can you be sure you are walking intentions. This is your time to carve out what you really want to do with your life and time. Get clear. Be clear. Eliminate the things that aren’t clear. Set your goals and have a plan to execute them. Nothing just happens and simply having a goal without a plan is like working for free expecting a payment. Put in the work.

What Didn’t Work? Being Mindful Towards the Future

This may be aligned with remembering the hard times but focusing on what didn’t work is not about gratitude. It’s about using what didn’t work to make it work for you in the future. Everyone has heard working smarter and not harder but in order to identify what didn’t work you have to be honest. Sometimes we make excuses for failed plans. We play the victim role when 9 times out of 10, it really is about owning the mistakes. We all make mistakes. So own them and use them to push towards your success. This is mindfulness towards your future.

Collaboration is Key in New Year

Sometimes what you lack in skills you gain in tenacity. Do not be afraid to collaborate. It’s still your goal, your project, your goal baby even if you needed help to make it happen. When you don’t know something, ask for help. You can achieve your goals that much more easier when you get someone on your team that knows their stuff. So collaborate more but make sure its the right people with the right intentions.

2022 is what we make it. We have been through so much and every trial shows us how resilient we are. Do not be afraid to see what didn’t work and eliminate it from your plan going forward. Work smarter not harder may mean collaborating with the right people. Also as much as we want prosperity and good life, we have work to make that happens. So no short cuts. Work in the way your younger self would be proud. Since we all have mistakes don’t be ashamed to recognize it and move on. We sing every Auld Lang Syne and the line may old acquaintances be forgotten and never brought to mind-make sure as you want that extended to you that you also drop the mental and emotional charges in your mind too. Be gentle with yourself and fierce with your dreams.

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