
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Check in

Are you still finding it hard to write 2022? Is it just me? Either way welcome to the first Mid Week Check-In of 2022. This is the space where we encourage you to look at what has worked so far or what hasn’t worked so we can get though the week as successful as possible. So let’s dive in:

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Check in

Mindset Check-In

What are you thinking? Are you in a good mental and headspace? This is always the best place to check in first. How you think determines your actions. So if you aren’t in a good head space let’s dive into what is causing issues. For me as I am the master of myself. some of my negative thoughts are hinderances. So if I am not stopping my thought process of negativity its the first place where the rest of my world can’t recover. Sometimes its as easy fix like stop dwelling on past mistakes. Other times I needed the assistance of my therapist because my mindset was based on unhealed trauma. You are more than aware if you need help. You may not want it. Or you simply aren’t ready to take on the journey of healing but your mindset dictates your success. Where is your head?

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Mid week stretch

Weekly Fails and Check-Ins

By now you have had a lot of things that simply worked. This means you had successes. Check-Ins aren’t always going to be about not doing well. There are some places where improvements are needed. If you struggled with waking up and it was due to you not going to bed at a descent hour what can you do to change it? For me when I am accountable of my time, I find that it’s wasteful time management. It could be scrolling on the phone or social media too long. It could be bas use of television or socialization. Whatever it is, find the spots that need corrected. Make the changes. 2 weeks ago we had Janie Charlot blow our spot with a revelation. She revealed that often times we say we don’t have time and it is a lie. If you are honest you know that she’s not lying. So where can you correct mismanagement?

Celebrate the Good

When someone asks how your week is going do you downplay it? I try not. Sometimes we aren’t sure how others are doing so we downplay those wins to accommodate others. Stop that this year. If you are having a good week-celebrate it. It’s okay to be grateful and be happy about your week. Celebrate your wins. They are yours to celebrate. Nobody will be able to celebrate you like you. It can be big or small wins. In my marriage we celebrate both small and large wins. It renews our love by not waiting on holidays, anniversaries, or birthdays. This life is for the living.

mid week reading

So here are some of my ups and downs for the week thus far:

  • Getting up and keeping my sleep schedule has been a plus
  • Not getting fully into my books that I need still dealing with brain fog
  • Maintaining a healthy eating schedule-I haven’t added working out into my schedule yet since getting Covid-19

Let’s Take this Week with Force

Listen maybe its me since I am healing from Covid-19 but I am ready to take this week. Last week was a lot to get through. So I am sending all of my good vibes your way. Here are some books to read. I have been reading because again I had time on my hand. I am trying to read at least one book a month. So here is January’s book. I got Will Smith’s book in November when it came out but didn’t have time to read it until now. Jayne Allen’s newest book comes out in February but its available now for pre-order. We talk to her on the podcast, Conversations with Toi. 

Will Smith: Will

Will Smith

Preorder: Jayne Allen’s Black Girls Must be Magical

Jayne allen

So a few more days to the weekend let’s keep our goals going! Have a great rest of the week!

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