
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Women History Month! Sometimes the biggest lessons that we learn is how to self preserve. Knowing when to let some things go truly matter. It’s a lesson that for all will be tested from time to time. If we live a little like my momma would say you grasp that hopefully sooner than later. Ivette learned that lesson and is hoping to hold on to that as she continues to build her business, Amor Por Vida, where love, culture, and art meet!

Let It Go

Most people but especially moms know that Frozen song all too well. However letting it go isn’t as easy as it seems. It takes courage to know that what we let go is a good move to begin with. Sometimes we hold on to things because of our own reasons. It could be relationships and wanting to be or appear to be loyal. Loyalty is one of the ingredients in a relationship that has to be measured well. Too much too soon will leave you open to all kinds of trauma and pain. Ivette is aware of letting things go. You can’t grow where you don’t own your own short comings. Let it go!

What’s For You is For You

Ivette reminds us that not everything is for you or will be good to you. We hold on to things that may be trying to get rid of itself for our betterment. However that hard lesson of knowing that some things are better left alone is hard. How many of us don’t heed that lesson? We have to be aware that if something leaves our lives it was meant to do so. We need to set it free. Side note, you set yourself free by letting things go as well.

Saving is Freedom

I think people tend to forget that quick lesson. Saving your money and being more money minded brings a sense of freedom. As you grow older the mistakes of your youth will rear it’s head when it’s time to make a large purchase such as a house. So word to any younger person, heed Ivette’s words close. All of that active spending and frivolous lifestyle and ways of living will show up when you least expect it. It’s when you’re ready to be an adult and provide stability. Ivette too wishes she had taken that lesson to heart in her younger years too. Save so you have the freedom to make the moves you want to make!

Is It Enough? Women and Goals

Whatever your gifted to do is enough. When you’re building a business you wonder if what you’re offering will catch someone’s eye enough to be a blessing to them as well as sustain your own life. I don’t know one business owner who goes into business not to make a living. Ivette has struggled with that thought as well. Will her art be enough? Ivette is co-owner of Amor Por Vida which means life long love. With this art she is able to help bring a sense of community and life into amazing timeless keepsakes. Visit her shop! We all know like Ivette when it’s inside of you to bring it to the forefront it’s to allow that gift to flow out! So no imposter syndrome necessary. Walk in your gifting.

Goals and Glue Sticks

I’ve talked about vision boards and their importance of manifesting. It’s a great tool to visually work the dreams you have. It isn’t magical or a quick trick. It comes from visualization and hard work. Ivette is doing a workshop on March 20th! It’s important even if it’s March and you haven’t done a vision board to do so! Her workshop isn’t just a vision board party. It’s a way to look at ways you can help your community no matter where you live. Everything that Ivette does is about building a gap in the community and using art as a tool. What you envision for your life is important. To take her virtual class make sure you click on the link! Women are magical here’s another tool to help with your goals.

Mom and Women Goals

We all want to be better version of ourselves or at least we should be. When you become a mom for those who are or desire to be, you want to be an example of what to do. Although being a mother comes with its own sets of issues of trying to balance, it’s one of the most rewarding jobs you can do. Ivette desires to be an inspiration to her own children. Trust me, the work she’s doing she’s already doing the work. As a mom myself I know that feeling well. Moms as long as you take care of yourself and are aware of the way you move where your kids are concerned you will do well.

Self-Care Super Power

Taking time out for yourself is one of the best ways to take care of yourself. For Ivette a good book or catching up on a good show works wonders. Having that time to just sit and do what you need especially when you have kids is important. Children are a blessing but they require work and care. Unlike the many generations before us who has had children we know how important it is to take a time out.

Women Crushing It

Happy Women History! Ivette you brought in some heavy hitting information today. From knowing how important it is to save to have the freedom you want to, taking time out to refresh, or walking in your gift; you are making history. Your art is history fusing together community as well as love for the things and people around you is exactly the reminder we need. May your business flourish. Everyone buy her pieces. They are beautiful and affordable. Also attend her virtual goal setting program, Goals and Glue Sticks!

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Thank you Ivette!

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