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Clearing Your Name: Preserve in Difficult Situations with Difficult People

This isn’t the time when I have already felt as if I have mastered a lesson especially in a difficult situation. This is an active lesson that I am learning as I go. Learning to allow things to happen and be said without feeling as if I need to speak up or on it without first taking the time to see what I need to take away from the lesson first. Learning how to preserve yourself in difficult situations where clearing your name won’t move the needle is important. Your mental health is important-take care!

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State Your True Feelings: Stress Buster

I had to have a conversation with my therapist about how I am truly feeling. I am not talking about just in general but in the specifics of this week. Not hiding behind the phrase of “I am fine” mentality. I had to dig deep and see the feelings for what they are. Right now they are of disappointment. They are of anger. They are of dismay right now. It’s perfectly fine not to feel happy all of the time. I had to be real with myself of where I stood. Here is some more information in the emotional stress blog.

Make A Plan

Now that I know what my true feelings are and have the tools to lean into them, now what? What is my plan of action? Do I confront the parties involved? Do I bottle it all in? No. I plan to confront and speak up but I am awaiting to speak from the right place. I interestingly enough had a Lunch Club meeting yesterday and the woman I spoke to does Tarot readings. She didn’t do my reading FYI, but before she hung up she said, whatever needs to be said is the responsibility of the person receiving to find a way to deal with those feelings. Not having said one word to her, I knew it was confirmation. Still I will have the conversation on my time.

Photo by Liza Summer on Stressed black woman

People Will Believe What They Wanted to Hear in the First Place

Isn’t that hard to accept? No matter what good you have done and changes you have made, people will believe a lie because the lie is how they viewed you. This is why change is for you. You will burn out attempting to get people to see the you that you have become or are becoming. Make the changes necessary for your life the kind of change that gives you peace at night. The kind of peace where you can live in your skin an find purpose in the world. Here are some more examples in the Take Care of Yourself blog.

Safe Guarding Your Mental Health

One of the things that has been vital to me as I continue to navigate difficult decisions is to safe guard my mental health. Determining from moment to moment as it became necessary of what I need. This has been helpful to helping me get through life to be honest. Knowing to take a break, go for a run, listen to a podcast are all some of the tools that I utilize. What I will say in addition to that is that making sure you are solid is a gift you can give yourself. Trust me if you’re not about taking care of yourself life can come in and run a muck. Take care of yourself.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Lock and key

You Will Get Through Difficult Situations

I know how hard it is to feel overwhelmed. It sucks when you are in a difficult situation. Trust me that its not always easy to see the other side and know that you will get through it but you will. Keep working hard to protect yourself. Give yourself grace as you keep the faith that everything will work out for your good. Don’t always feel like you have to clear your name in the midst of others who never receive the you that you are. Trust that you should be clear and define roles, place stops and checks, and create boundaries. Be honest of your feelings as you go through-this is simply a test.

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