Happy Friday and cheers to the weekend. It’s a new month too so happy October. We are officially in the last quarter of the year. When you mix in the holidays, that mean the next few months will come and go super fast. What is your plan to get through? I am hoping you have a game plan and if not, start to think about that. Let’s get into the week that took place it was a busy one.
Road Trip
Well we took an impromptu road trip. I have been without a personal car for over a year. We have been adjusting with one car for the family and making it work. As privileged as it sounds since some families may not have one car, when you’re used to two cars it can be a little weird to adjust. With the pandemic I didn’t feel the need to push for a new car. I lost my car when a flood hit my neighborhood. It destroyed my basement and it had to be reconstructed. The car wasn’t able to be fixed.

Vision Board Faith
Two years ago and last year I put a Chevrolet Traverse on my vision board. It was something about it that fit to me. I had Chev car for quite some time. Also it was big enough for my family. I placed it on there and to be honest I expected to get it last year before the pandemic hit. Little did I know we would all be grounded. Now flash forward to my husband doing the leg work to find me a car. If you are in a market to get a new car or car in general; they are hard to come by. We saw 6 Traverses and the one in Pittsburgh made since. Pittsburgh is 5-6 hours away. We were told the car wouldn’t be ready for 3 weeks. We got the call randomly that it was ready. I named my car, Epiphany because I feel like I manifested her arrival. I always working ahead to see the things and work towards what I want.

Riverview Chevrolet
I want to shout out Mike and his team. For being courteous and helping us through the process. For making me feel like a Queen.

Last Friday’s Grandma Visit
Since the car become available almost overnight, we gathered the kids and made the decision to drive to Pittsburgh and get the car, and stop at my Grandma’s which was an hour and a half from Pittsburgh. We originally was planning on visiting her last April before the pandemic started. So seeing her, hugging her, and spending a few hours with her was well worth it. We made this entire trip in 24 hours and was back in time for Soccer Parents responsibility. The one thing I know is when its time to move into something, you will be gifted the clearing to do so. The car was that clearing. All things aligned the way it needed to and I’m grateful.
Bristol Riverside Theatre
I was expected to attend the showing of Murder for Two. It was an amazing show that included 2 actors, Martin Landry and Joe Kinosian. Bristol Riverside Theatre made sure that we were as safe as possible. From having us show our vaccination card and keep our masks on the whole time. If you haven’t read the blog, you can. The back story is that I had to run errands after we had just got back from Ohio. The show was that night. I got lost on the way and was almost frazzled. Thankfully I had my Calmigo. After getting to the show at the last minute when I was expected to get there almost 30 minutes according to my GPS-the laughs came.
Shady Brook Farm
As if we hadn’t had a full weekend we went to Shady Brook Farm for Fall Fest. Can you say TI-RED? The pure joy of having the Boo Crew together doing something that we all love, being at a festival safely and enjoying our time was amazing. I enjoyed seeing the smiles on the family’s faces. So I enjoyed the food, beer, and all of the activities. I highly suggest you grab your family and enjoy it. The fresh air and the fun was what I needed.
OVME Facial
I was able to get another hydra facial. Did you see my Reel from my last experience? I enjoy a great facial. Again I understand the privilege of being able to get them done. As I get older I enjoy of getting and keeping my skin in the best condition. Skin has to be taken care of. From what you put onto it and to what you consume. OVME takes very good care of my skin. Every time I have been they have been very welcoming. You should see what comes off of my skin. There was more that came out than the last time. But better in than out.
Huntingdon Valley Shoe Pop Up
Who doesn’t love to shop? I mostly don’t but now that the world is open, I need new shoes. I purchased 3 pairs for $42 dollars. That was 2 boots and a dressy heel! The location is 2010 County Line Road, Huntington Valley. The grand opening is today!

Selfish Philly Friday Conference
Today I will be attending the Selfish Philly event. It’s a selfcare conference filled with photo ops, massages, etc. I am so excited to attend this all day in person conference. So self care is important to me. Self care is a daily way of life. Finding a way to live well is the way to matriculate through successes and failures. So I will report back tomorrow how the conference went with a follow up blog.
Conversations with Toi Friday Podcast Drops
Today there will be no guest. I am back by myself and by choice. Today’s episode is about dating with anxiety. A listener sent me a few questions and I decided to bring it into a full podcast. I will definitely answer more of them next week. What is the rightful time to tell a love interest that you have anxiety? What about sex and anxiety? That is the discussions on hand. I enjoy just me being on the show as much as I enjoy having a guest.
Boo at the Zoo
Boo at the Zoo is open today at the Philadelphia Zoo. We enjoyed it last year. The ability to have the kids dress up is always fun. We wore costumes too. At the end we got a bag of candy. Not to mention seeing all of the animals and getting out into the fresh air. So I hope if you’re able, get out and enjoy it. Also BIG Time is open until the end of the month.

So this weekend I have quite a few things going on. From attending my twin sister’s class reunion. I graduated a year before her by skipping a grade. I will also be at Chaddsford Winery for their Adult Trick or Treat. Remember the tickets are selling out. You get 5 stops of wine tasting, a keepsake wine glass to take home, and access to continue drinking when the tour is over. So I hope you have an amazing weekend. Lookout for updates to the October calendar as events come in.
Increased Anxiety
I have had increase anxiety attacks this week. I don’t know if it’s the changes of weather or changes in my life. If you’re too seeing increases in anxiety-be gentle with yourself. I’ve reached out or had friends reach out to check in on each other. Do more of that. In addition to setting time aside to do nothing! For me I love how busy these last couple of months and weeks has been but I will be zoning out at the beginning of the next week.
Have a great weekend and week!