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Monday Motivation: 4th Quarter

Happy Monday. Let’s do a mid-month check in. As we continue in the month knowing that we are in the last quarter of the year. With that in mind, what ways are you preparing to end the year? For instance, along with doing constant mental health checks, I am also making sure my budget is good as the end of the year is a lot of spending. Lastly preparing my home to donate and clear out clutter.

Mental Health Check-In

If you think that you need professional help the time to get it is now. As the winter months hit the moods for many will go down. Even though the holiday is full of cheer for so many this is the time where depression becomes the hardest hit. Please take care of you. Check-in with what you need. How are you feeling? What are some of your triggers that you aware of that you can be aware of? What ways are you preparing for those triggers. For me using tools like my light therapy, use of my weighted blanket, taking medication, adding more therapy sessions and more are ways that I am using my time to take care of me as a whole person. Also increasing exercise and making sure that I have tools in my home for winter days when getting out will be impossible too.

Budget Check Monday

I know we don’t want to talk about money but money is headed out of the door. Even for people who go out of their way to remind the world that they won’t be buying gifts money is still headed out. You have to heat your home, more social events pop up, and also even doing activities in this season will take a push on your wallet. Gift giving isn’t the only reason the budget needs to be strengthened. Also business owners know there’s a hit that takes places in first quarter as people get back to work after the holidays. The time to secure first quarter funds is now.

Be smart about your money. Set a holiday spending budget. This budget is for potlucks, dinners, drinks with friends, holiday parties, and gift giving should you participate in it. Set hardcore budget lines. Every year I do the shopping for both sides of the family for my husband and I. Every year for the last few years I have set my boundary and I haven’t gone over. I have increased it for my own kids because as they get older, their gifts get smaller but more expensive since dolls and trucks aren’t things they gravitate towards.

Declutter your Home

This past weekend I took hours to clean and clear out things in my home. My husband is used to clutter areas as I am not. Fusing two people in a home with different background and add 3 kids means there is always clutter to be cleared. Since I know that my children are blessed, we go through and check clothes and toys that need to be donated. Same goes for the adults. The time to make room for things and bless others is now. There are children who need coats and clothes. I make sure that my children participate in giving those things to others.

I also go through their toy boxes and get rid of old or broken toys that can’t be donated too. Also I am find full trash bags of things that need to be eliminated. Which is why I always suggest that people gift the kids’ experiences. During Christmas many people send gift cards to them, and others send the family gift cards to things that are nearby. We take the kids to these things during the holiday break. I want them to value what they have and not be brats in the least bit.

Happy Monday

This Monday, take stock of yourself and the things that are surrounding you. Be clear on what you need internally. Today is national boss day. If you have a boss that is great, let them know. If you have one that isn’t so great, make a plan if you need to change departments or find a new career altogether. I have had bad bosses in the past I get it. Have a great day and get ready for a week full of amazing content coming your way.

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