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Monday Motivation: Energy Switch

Good Monday Morning to you all. I am happy to be back. If you were enjoying your family and have no idea where I was-I had the flu. Another sickness to add to my life. However I did do a blog on Saturday about wellness for Content Creators. In addition to Sunday Message about burning and building a bridge as well. As we start today let’s talk about our energy for today.

Monday’s Energy

So today since I am excited to start my day my energy is on a thousand.  I got up focused, listened to a podcast, made my family breakfast and overall just ready to tackle the day. However on most Mondays, although the above activities are the same, my energy is usually varies. I can be exhausated, unmotivated, feeling overwhelmed, triggered, or more. One of the things that I have learned with simply being focused on my energy levels and actions is I play a huge part on how my day starts. Now that doesn’t mean that on high energy days bad moments don’t happen because it still does.

Monday Goals for Today

I had to organize myself this morning. Being off for days you can imagine how much there is to do on my plate. Instead of being overwhelmed or trying to do it all, today I organized. I wrote down the pressing items that I need to work on. From there, I will work down and make sure to leave time for wellness. Today started off with breakfast, prayer, and keeping the morning clear of drama. When I woke up the kids I checked my energy. So that meant attempting to not yell. The kids got up and matched my energy. No meltdowns were had. We were ready ahead of time and I even cleaned the kitchen etc.

When A Bad Day Starts

How do you do when it seems that just opening your eyes has produced a “bad day?”  Acknowledge how you feel. Going on from the bad moment isn’t helpful. Sometimes we do things like “move forward” but at the end of the day, taking a moment to recognize the bad moment helps you focus on how to proceed. For instance, is there something that lead to the moment that can be avoided? What about red flags? These are the times to see how you can take this moment and find something good from it. For instance I remember when my Mom, Twin, and I were living in a homeless shelter for women and kids. My mother would get us up and dressed. On our way to school she would tell us how of course she didn’t want to be in the situation we were in.

She stressed to us that we live in the shelter but that wasn’t our final destination. My mom encouraged us to look and walk as if we were in our own home. She taught us to make sure that we didn’t allow the kids in school to make us feel less than because of our situation. That stuck with me. I remember those moments all the time. My day was in my power to change.

Week in Review

Do you ever look back at the week before for inspiration for your current week?  I do! For instance I always encourage people to look at what works best for them to repeat it. For instance something as small as meal prep can impact your week greatly. Having food set aside without thought helps you save money in the long run and more. One week I kept waking up at 530 but I learned that I needed to set my alarm for 5am instead. That extra 30 minutes helped me to focus on what I needed and allowed me to get the kids up and up after I was ready. This helped the kids to try to get ready before me and thus downstairs for breakfast without incident.


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