
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

It’s no secret that I deal with anxiety. I’ve been transparent with it for such a long time. With that in mind, anxiety comes and goes in waves. Everyone has their set of triggers. Triggers are those things that pushes our buttons and allows anxiety to present itself. With that in mind how do we stay motivated as our triggers push on the anxiety in our life?

Honest With Triggers

One of the issues with triggers is denying them. The more you pretend that they don’t exist it inhibits your ability to deal with them. As much as you want them to disappear triggers don’t work that way. Anxiety will continue to rear its head at the most opportune times. Knowing what yours are will help to move you in a better head space.

Not all Triggers Are the Same

Even if you share the same trigger of someone you know not only will it not hit the same, but even the triggers you know won’t look the same time it hits. A trigger can feel like am imaginary wall that smacks you out of no where. It can be small or have a larger impact to your mood, day, or livelihood. Your response to them is what sets up the reality of whether or not you recover from it. I’ve had triggers that I was allowing me to stay defeated for years!

Identifying the Trigger, Now What?

You tuned into your trigger. You can not only identify it but you know the leading points of them but now what? What do you do with the information? You make sure that you make a plan. Having a plan or your go to list of things to do when the trigger presents itself is key. I have a list of safety measures. Since I’ve gotten a lot of therapy, it’s not my first go to.

  • Journal
  • 10 minutes of fresh air
  • Music therapy
  • Exercise
  • List of reality vs. perception
  • Remove myself from stressful room, area, etc.
  • Deep breathing exercise

Everyone needs a plan!

Did you catch this past Friday check in? I talked about a situation that was headed left but my list helped me.

What if You Don’t Deal with Anxiety?

I find it strange that you don’t but I can roll with it. Every person deals with anxiety in some form. You may call it stress but whatever you call it not having a plan will be detrimental. Too many people think that they can just wing it.

Anxiety Out of Control

You’re not alone. I’ve had friends and family see me at my worse. It’s embarrassing. However as much as I wanted to allow that stress to get to me, gaining control was more important. So setting my stress to the side was helpful. I’ve had times when that didn’t happen. The trigger took over. I was left feeling quite vulnerable and naked. This is the time when my therapist is aware. This is when calls to my trusted family or friends are important. Pick that person (s) wisely. It has to be someone who makes you feel safe.

Crisis Text

There is a crisis text hotline that helps you 24/7. The number is text HOME to 741741! This is critical for so many people. Many like myself don’t use their phones to make an actual call. My texting hands are something vicious. I feel more comfortable texting. However if you need to talk to someone call; 1-800-273-8255

As you attack this Monday you may not feel as happy this morning. Your weekend could be filled with all kinds of turmoil. I want you to be equipped to find ways to be real and honest with yourself. In addition I want you to have a plan in place. You can wear many hats in life but if what is under them is filled with someone secretly suffering, that’s not good. This isn’t about your status in this world. You can have it altogether from the outside perspective and find yourself feeling empty. I don’t want that. As much as I want you to wake up and ready to take on your day! I don’t want you fighting battles that you need help with alone.

Monday Let’s Do This

This Monday may look or feel as if it’s gone left. However you can reclaim it. Yes it’s early but don’t think for 2 seconds the day can’t already be challenging. If you’re also dealing with the hate and love relationship with Monday, click the link!

Happy Monday!!! Go to my Instagram today I have some more tips! It will be in the stories! Also remember with stress and anxiety that although it has its moments of loneliness you’re not alone. You are normal. You aren’t the only one going through. However just know that support is always there.

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