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Thanksgiving and Tips we Learned in the Heart of the Pandemic

As we are days away from Thanksgiving, times have changed. Sine the pandemic we have learned how to be without those we love. We were in the crossroads of doing the right thing when it came to staying home or integrating.  In addition if necessary not celebrating with our extended family. Sometimes saying and knowing  life is short while doing what we have always done will not work in everyone’s favor! Some are facing some of the loneliest times of the season. Pain and loss is at an all time high. The stress of managing it all is wearing thin. So here are some of the ways I’m worked through Thanksgiving Lockdown and the lessons to apply after life opened up!

Maintenance Talk for Thanksgiving

Sometimes we forget those little lessons of staying grounded. We strive to get all we can that we forget the times when we didn’t have and how we pushed through hard times. Yes life is super hard. We are no doubt having to discover how tough as nails we are! We need to do some maintenance with our mindsets and the way we move! I’ve made an appointment with my therapist because I need extra support! There’s no shame in that!

Keep Contacts Strong during Thanksgiving

It sucks to speak and love on others through the screen. As I was growing up, letters and cards was the way to show someone you love them. It was taboo to text and there wasn’t a FaceTime in sight. Now if you send a card outside of Christmas or birthdays people are shocked. Keep your contacts strong. Call not text. Send cards and letters. I have friends who I speak to daily but there’s nothing better than to send some extra love through the mail! I love those personal touches! Don’t forget that as we are “outside.”

Keep Traditions Going

If you can’t get to your mom’s potato salad, it’s a lost feeling. Spend some time learning her recipe. Make it together if you’re able. Try to find ways to make some new ones. This year I’m letting the kids make a dish with me. Although they have always been super helpful it’s important for me to have one dish that they can remember helping with me in the kitchen! I think about my husband who has lost his mom. He doesn’t like Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. He and his mom used to put the decorations right before Christmas. However we compromised. He helped me decorate the tree and indoor decorations. He does outside decorations closer to the day!

Compromise is the key to any successful relationship.

Staying Active this Thanksgiving

Here the gyms are closed. People are having to find ways to stay active. As much as I haven’t hit every goal each week, it’s important for me to stay active. I’ve elected to continue my step/aerobics workout. YouTube is free! I enjoy pulling the app on my television or on my phone. Those workouts are just as good. I’m trying to use my workouts as a way to lower my stress. There are some who say working out isn’t their thing, yoga is another way to do combat stress. My children do yoga now several times a week! For parents looking for a great one, they use Cosmic Kids Yoga! It’s super easy! They love it and secretly I love it too!

Walking in Gratitude this Thanksgiving 

I know it sounds like a movie that is dipped in Disney movie titles, but when I go to complain I’ll say out loud, what level of gratitude I need to work on. I wanted to be ungrateful about something and I was like Aht Aht! It matters. When you look at things from a negative mindset or hinders your growth. Is that to say things aren’t bad? They are. I’ve found myself crying many days lately. I’ve had anxiety through the roof. However I can’t stay in that mindset. I’ll lose my mind. Have I felt like I have some times? Yes but everyday I wake up determined to try to make the atmosphere where my kids live a better world. Now that we are home more, I can’t make home a place where I and they resent it!

All of us know how hard life is and can be. The constant need to show up and be in spaces that are sometimes overwhelming. Take care of you this season and all seasons. It’s okay to be honest in where you are. Taking an assessment of your reality is key. Be gentle with yourself and you do what is best for yo. Understand not everyone is going to be okay with you plans.

Originally Published November 23, 2020

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