
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Sunday self care

Sundays are a great way to slow yourself down. From taking care of everyone to adding a little self care (which should be daily) to your routine. Today is Winter Skin Care Relief day and today we are serving up simple reminders of self care of which you are worthy.

Sunday self care

Sunday Selfcare

I know that many people practice a Sunday self care day and I am not against it. I think there’s nothing wrong with digging a little deeper on a Sunday. However you know the reminder by now-do this daily. On Sundays when you self care what is your objective. Is it rest? Calm? Resetting? Whatever your purpose is take full advantage. Now I do have quite a few contacts under my belt to add some extra jazz to my Sunday self care but keep in mind simple self care are still at the top of my list. So what is my Sunday self care look like:

Sunday Take care of you

  • Journaling. I also make a week’s full of prompts so I can prepare my week to write
  • Great cup of tea or coffee. I am no Starbucks but I have upgraded my Keurig to include a frother on it. I have many recipes underneath me and I can do some simple basic arts for my lattes
  • Long shower or elevated bath experience. I have a bath rack, wine glass holder, music speakers and more to make it a relaxing bath time.
  • Catch up on magazine reading. Anyone other than me have subscriptions and have to set up time to read them? Some would say eliminate the subscriptions. However I also use all of my magazines at the end of the year for my vision board party that I have yearly with my husband
  • Target run-I already have to get things for the household, make it an event. I get my coffee, walk around, and attempt to stay in budget.

Sunday selfcare can be as elaborate or simple as you make it.

Sunday self care

Why Take Care of You?

Who else is going to do it? Yes money is tight. Money is always tight. But you are important and worthy of a slow down. Taking care of you keeps you sharp. Your health which includes mental health is important part of showing up as your authentic self. If you are a caregiver you know how aggravating it can be to be there for others and feel like your cup is not only low but broken. A broken cup will not hold as much as a whole one would. Same for you. If you feel broken and you aren’t alone-but staying broken is not going to work in your future. Place yourself as a priority. Put the mask over your face first. It’s hard to retrain yourself to place you first. It almost feels as if it’s unnatural or that you aren’t worthy. You are. It may take some time to get used to this new way of life where you take some moments to gather yourself.

Sunday Take care of you

Simple Everyday Reminders

There are a few things that you need to do to take care of you. If you aren’t eating well and daily-change it. I know so many who do not take care of themselves. Missing meals is not apart of taking care of you. Not drinking enough water is not helping you either. If you haven’t seen a doctor in a month of Sundays-make an appointment. I get it not knowing makes you feel that it doesn’t exist. However that isn’t true. Your body is still going through it and you need to know what you can do to take care of your health. I remember a few years ago I was extremely overweight and after going to my doctors found out that there were immediate steps to follow to get my life back together. It was overwhelming and I felt a little depressed.

Sunday selfcare

That depression also had to be addressed. I no longer could hide. As I shed the mental weight, the regular weight also begin to shed. So the journey began. Now I am having to reset again and align. A part of getting to that is making the step, setting yourself up to complete the goals, and make them happen.

Sunday self care

So this Sunday, what is your desire for your life? That may be overwhelming question. What do you want for this season of your life? My season of my life is a resurgence and doing things to get me to a full stability in all areas. So I am daily working towards that in EVERY area of my life. Being intentional in my thoughts and more. So I pray your Sunday is your best. Happy Sunday!


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