
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

In life establishing boundaries is important. Knowing when to respond and when to let things go is an art form. Many times we want to lash out, defend, or even in anger respond but moving in silence and balancing is one of the keys to success. So let’s continue to honor women.

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Woman’s History Month OG

If Cheryl looks familiar it’s because she’s an OG of the Women’s History Month features. When I started this series almost 6 years ago she answered to call immediately. Since then she also has grown in many ways from new business ventures to new mindsets. I’ve always have an open door policy that once you participate you’re always more than welcome to return. We love hearing about what new things are happening in your life. If you’ve missed any of Cheryl’s past blogs here they go:


2017 still locating




Strength in Lessons

It’s amazing how we don’t realize what makes us strong when being strong is all you have left to be. Knowing when people are seasonal is one of the lessons Cheryl has learned and is learning. The seasonal lessons of relationships, jobs, people, etc. is a lesson we all can apply. Holding on to seasonal people or situations is a hinderance is our personal development. We will stay stagnant trying to make someone fit that no longer is supposed to be in our space. Knowing when the season is over is key to figuring it all out. Stepping back and peeping people’s reactions, being mature enough to have difficult conversations, or allowing nature to run its course.

Boundaries We All Need Them

People are more inclined to realize how they need boundaries once your boundaries are violated. People don’t realize that you dont get to impose yourself on other people’s lives. You don’t get access to people based on title, alone. You have to be involved and even when you are, people have a right to disengage. Boundaries allow for you to be able to set the standard in how you’re being treated or used. One of the things that Cheryl has learned that everything doesn’t need a response. See it, hear it, and leave it alone. It’s not worth disturbing your peace.

Hustle Smarter

Cheryl credits her mother for her inspiration in hustling smart. She describes her mother as the queen of the hustle.

She taught me to know how to do more than one thing, don’t get stagnant, and remain teachable.

Oh what great lessons we can learn from being teachable. This means being open to receive correction and always being able to be taught is key. Also don’t limit yourself. Master more than one skill set. Use those talents and allow those talents to bring in more than one income.

Overcoming is a Hustle for Women

Learning to deal with your demons is important. By the way, we all have them. Hustling isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We have taken the word to have a negative connotation. However the word hustle means to be able to work fast and put things in order. Learning how to put your life in order is not only a hustle but a necessary one. Cheryl is around so many amazing women from all walks of life. She states that seeing them overcome their struggle encourages her as well. We Stan a woman that supports and uplifts other women.

Self Care Super Power

The power of no is a self-care super power. Flexing your NO muscles is important. Telling people NO is a skill set. We can’t be yes people just to get ahead. Sometimes we take on more than we need and are left holding the pieces. A simple NO puts life into perspective. Also Cheryl is about making sure her life stays private. Listen the art of building in silence is such a beautiful thing. Stop telling folks what you’re gonna do and simply do it!

Daily Motivation for Women

Cheryl’s daily motivation is herself. She drives daily to be better. She is forever changing and growing. We all want that or at least should. Self improvement is a daily up and down journey. It doesn’t always go the way you want. It’s how you process your wrongs and rights.

Cakes and More Titles Please

When Cheryl started the Women History Month blogs she was working for the county, moved to a new state, got her dream job with the federal government, opened her cake business, Miss Sis Bakery, and now is a Mobile Notary Public, and Certified Mortgage Filed Inspector. Talk about being a whole boss!!!! With all of that, branding isn’t an overnight fix. Cheryl acknowledges that the thin line between comparison and inspiration is a unique challenge for business owners. Social media miscues our eyesight and sometimes our vision.

So between learning how to manage her personal life, getting all of the streams of income, living in her truth, setting boundaries, and always open to learn Cheryl is a women who we need to support and take the lessons and apply them in our own way!

We can support Cheryl by following on her social media as well as if you’re near Miami area order her cakes and treats.



Thank your for sharing and we wish you well in all of your endeavors.

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