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How to Jump Start your Fall Wellness Plans

Fall is here. With that being said, it’s time to plan ahead for our Fall wellness plans. Crisp air, comfort foods, and letting go of that Summer air can really allow more sedentary mindset in so many areas. So how do we shake it up and get into Fall vibes?

What are your Fall goals?

Goal setting even seasonal goals are necessary. So being clear on what your Fall will look like is going to be key to making goal setting a little easier.  Sit down and look at the months ahead. Are there major holidays that you are looking forward to? Plan around them. If comfort foods is your love language and you are aware that you tend to not be as active, find a plan that includes a new workout plan so you can enjoy your comfort foods in peace. Let’s break down some goals to help get your wheels spinning.

Financial Overhaul

Will you need to sit down and develop a spending plan to achieve your goals? Summer may brought on some heavy spending since you were making up for sitting in the house for almost a year, get your finances align. Fall means that Winter and holidays are soon come. The money that you will need will also need a plan of their own.  What are your financial goals as we move from quarter 3 to quarter 4? Focus on the why and what you want to do that is wiser than what you have done in the past.

Be honest with yourself. Sit down and write it all down. What are you overspending. If its a coffee addiction which I too have as well, there are ways to work around it. Some of your favorite coffee brands now have at home work arounds that can cut down on spending.  Not to say that an every now and again indulgence is wrong, but if you’re deep in like me, the savings really could go to another area.  Whatever is your overspend area, let’s take that and apply it a savings or another financial area that needs our immediate attention.

Switch up Your Workout Environment

One of the issues I had was when the season would change and it got rainier or colder, I would make many excuses as to why I wasn’t able to be active. I said active and not a full out workout because although I am on team workout, being active is key. So now that the warm weather will change, what are your plans for staying active? You need a Fall plan.  Find an accountability partner. This partner doesn’t have to be in the same area. You can commit to working out together. Develop a workout group online. This could be a place where others can share their ideas of being active. There is strength is numbers.

Find an indoor workout/active plan that works for you. There are FREE workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home. Utilize it. Check in with yourself daily. Are you adding nutrition to your plan so you can achieve better results. Meal plan, may be a great way to aid in that. Dedicate to at least 30 minutes a day each day is as effective as working out 3 days a week. Small changes lead to big results. Find a way to be consistent.

What’s in a Sleep Schedule? Fall Wellness Shakeup

You know that Daylight Savings is coming. One of the ways to help with that is to find a sleep schedule that will aid your body during that time. Sleep is essential. For full body wellness think of your body as a full machine that it is. People stress alcohol intake as an issue but won’t value sleep as a need. Sleep is essential to helping you lose weight or maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Don’t sleep on sleep. Get your rest. Develop a sleep plan that you can commit to. You will find your body responding to your healthier eating habits. It’s like the secret weapon to wellness that gets the biggest disconnect.  Find a way to go to bed and get up at a consistent time.

Here are a few other areas to pay attention to for Fall wellness plan:

Here are some of my Amazon finds’ to help you get started.

What are some of your other wellness plans for Fall? Leave them in the comments below. Let’s help each other be our best selves as the new season switches over. Fall is not just for pumpkins and hot lattes. Let’s focus on ways to be kind to ourselves as there will be days that we crush it and some that we won’t. Get back up and start a new day with a refreshed mindset.


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