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Mid Week Check-In: March 9, 2022

Happy Wednesday and belated International Women’s Day to all amazing women. I love seeing women uplift even when there isn’t a big day. Today we are focusing on some self care practices.

Self Care Basics Wednesday Wisdom 

So we need to get to the basics of what self care is. Self care is recognizing what you need at any given moment. This could be a walk in the park, a break, a nap, and more. As much as I too love to indulge in bigger practices like going to Wellness Refinery, self care is simple. Sometimes we make it complicated. Let’s get back to simplicity. There are so many who are losing out on the valuable moments to recharge and refuel.

Here are more simple self care suggestions:

Self Affirmation Playlist Wednesday Movement 

When I did go to the Wellness Refinery I made an affirmation playlist. I encourage you to make one. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Choose songs that affirm you. These are songs that make you feel great and empowered. My top songs are:

Weather Warm Up

If you live in the East Coast you may be enjoying the warm up lately. Do something amazing with that. For instance I took my cat outside and we enjoyed an hour. All we did was sit and people watch while I enjoyed my morning coffee. If you seen my latest reel you know that I got my cat a cat playpen from Amazon. In addition being outside is my way of helping with my self care. Fresh air is a great way to help. I learned this a few years ago. I’ve been doing that since my therapist suggested it to me. Even when it’s cold or raining, fresh air still helps. This Wednesday is starting off with rain and snow-Winter is not fully over yet. 

Other ways is to work out outside. Find a hobby or even eat a meal outside. In this season getting a little more active and shedding your winter blues or seasonal depression is helpful.

International Women’s Day

I loved seeing all of the Women’s Day posts. One thing I would love to see is unity. Some women really have to do better in this area. For example as a Blogger and an Influencer I see so many women who do things like talk down or just not nice to others. They will sit at events arm to arm with another women and not even speak or say a simple hello. That type of behavior isn’t okay. Every woman isn’t your friend. A simple gesture of hello doesn’t cost. Being kind should be a primary goal. Also we will have a new Women’s History blog tomorrow. If you missed last week with JJ Ramberg catch up.

Pizzeria Vetri

I went back to Pizzeria Vetri to try some more goodies. Have you ever had Nutella pizza as a dessert? It’s rich and gooey.

In addition it’s always nice to take the drive to the King of Prussia area. Pizzeria Vetri does an amazing job of making every patron feel welcomed. Their hospitality is unmatched. The menu is so clear for every palette. Their drinks are always so refreshing. I love pizza and Rosé. It’s such a great combination. As the weather warms up they will have featured activities like being your pup night and more. Also their happy hour is the place to be. They are known for some of the best Limoncello.

A Week Ahead-Wednesday Mid Break

I plan to indulge in my self care with a hair appointment and some relaxing. Tonight I will be at the premiere of Oklahoma. I can’t wait. Even more special is my husband who played in his rendition as a kid in high school is going with me-date night. Blog will follow tomorrow. I’ll follow up from my weekend on Friday’s Recap! I hope you all have an amazing week. Thank you for reading and keeping up. Happy Wednesday!

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