
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

blogger, sticker on laptop coffee and journal

Happy Monday. I took a few days off to spend time with family and friends. Sometimes you have to make space for the little things. As much as a Content Creator is really working 7 days a week to some degree, its important to put some space in your life to do things that matter.

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What are your whys?

This is a question you should be asking and answering quite often daily. You have to get to the point of making sure that you are aligned with that why daily. Why are you excited about starting new ventures? What is your goal? These questions and answers will aid you in being able to move forward, take a step back, or discontinue anything and any person that you don’t need in your life.

man wearing black crew neck shirt reading book
Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile on

Space Elimination

Have you ever switched clothes for a season? You take things out that no longer serve the purpose of the new season. Start looking for things that don’t fit. You make decisions on what’s a keeper and what is supposed to be gotten rid of. It’s not always the things you no longer need. Some of the pieces you really wanted to keep. However, its time to eliminate them out of your wardrobe. It’s the same with life, there are things you have to make space for that, whether you love it or not that has to go. Making space hurts.

blogger, sticker on laptop coffee and journal

When Elimination Hurts

As we switch into a new season, not everyone we love and hold dear to us will come over with us. This is the way life works. It hurts. Pain is inevitable. There are growth areas that are exposed when we eliminate things out of our lives. Take the time to heal from your past hurts. When a growth area is exposed, don’t run from the work it will take to push through, embrace it. Embrace the pain so you can become better.

ethnic girl having video chat with teacher online on laptop
Photo by Katerina Holmes on

Monday Nugget

This Monday, you may be feeling overwhelmed with all kinds of things on your heart. Know that although you may not have the answer, one is coming. Be prepared for it. It may not always work in your favor for what you hope to be the outcome. However, it will always work to be in your favor for what you need.

learn from your past

Monday Week Tracking

Make your goals today. What are the things that are a must have? Take your list and put the areas in categories. Are there due dates to respect? Respect your obligations. Things don’t have to be all completed in the same day. However what is pressing should always get the first of your energy.  What can you do today to help your week?

  • Meal prepping-start today by making a few meals
  • Gather the items you need to complete deadlines-be prepared
  • Collaboration
  • Rest
  • Increase self-care
  • Work on projects you enjoy
  • Increase physical activity
  • Meditation
  • Break tasks into smaller categories

Tools for your week

Do you have what you need for the beginning of the week? Tools like our phones, laptops, etc. are tools. They are useful in aiding in completing tasks. However there are other tools like journals, white boards, pens, etc. that you have to have readily so you can things done. For instance as a Content Creator, I have to make sure I look at the month, if I am highlight a special day in the month that makes sense for my niche, are all of items accounted for? I check, props, shirts, my light boxes, tripods etc. Check your tools? Do they need updated? Remember when we were kids and we would lay our items out? Line up what you need the night before. Be prepared!

shirt, coffee, and pen

I hope today is a great day to start your Monday. Monday gets a bad rap due to coming off of weekend vibes. Change your Monday vibes so you can take the energy of productivity into your week. There is no better way to start a week of efficiency than making sure you have a plan that also includes rest and self care. You will rock it out this week. Make space this week to be the best one yet. All of the hard work you are putting in isn’t in vain. Happy Monday!!!

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