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National Kindness Day

Happy National Kindness day. A day to remind you that kindness matters. Kindness is free and yet people struggle with giving it so let’s do better.

Kindness is a Way of Life

I can be abrasive in situations that warrant it. If someone is attempting to attack me or my family I may not lead with kindness all the time. However most of the time I lead with kindness. A simple hello is kind. People are on their phone that they do not say hello. Growing up my parents and grandparents would get on me if I didn’t speak hello to others. Now a days I can count on one hand how often people greet one another.

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Kindness and Accountability

Sometimes people want you to nice the bad people to death. Treating someone with kindness when they are mean is a nice gesture. However let’s be honest, there are some rude people in the world who think they can do bad things to people and not be held accountable for their actions. That is not the case. When you’re wrong and you do mean things you need to be held accountable.

Rude behavior sometimes needs to be checked. You can’t simply allow people to walk over you in the name of kindness. So there is a balance. In this climate we have to allow kindness to be the first defense in how we live amongst others.

In the Home First

There are a million ways to be kind. One of the the ways I want to remind you is to be kind to those in your home first. You ever see those people who give of their last to everyone else and the folks in their home never experience that level of love and care? Charity starts at home. Loving the world and being rude, abusive, enraged to the ones you live with is fake. If you’re doing that understand the ones you live with have no respect for you.

Daily Acts of Kindness

There are a million and one ways you can be kind. One kind act can make a world of difference to someone else. The gesture can be big or small. I once saw an older woman in line at the grocery store her card declined. A man paid for her groceries and then gave her some money too. A big gesture that I’m sure made her feel good. You never know what someone is going through.


There are some folks that according to “our” standards aren’t deserving of kindness. They are constantly problematic. Even the problematic people need kindness. That doesn’t mean that you have to be the one that is constantly giving it. The phrase don’t take my kindness for weakness means allowing people who show you who they are have access to you or your resources. If you help a family member who can’t pay a bill once that’s great. That same family member can’t expect to hit you up every month.

Disrespect in the world is at an all time high. The amount of disrespectful behavior is not going to stop any time soon. We are responsible for our personal actions and reactions. Take some time to think before you simply do! I hope today is a reminder of what you are already doing. Be kind to yourself and others today and everyday!

Put Respect with Kindness.

Hello Jack, The Kindness Show

Jack McBrayer’s new show is a great way to visualize kindness to children and parents alike. It’s steaming now on Apple TV+.

You can read the blog on the interview I did with him and listen to the podcast!

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