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Sunday Message: Get you a Life

Good Sunday morning! Today I am having a pretty calm day. I spent most of my Saturday having my own personal day of sorts. It was great; music, fun, movies, lunches family, friends, and a few drinks! But as I sit today keeping my son from spreading germs on everyone I am reminded of a few things.


I absolutely love Snapchat! It’s super fun and can give you a glimpse into other people’s lives. It’s a way to be light, have fun with filters and really let your personality shine. A few things to remember as you live is that life is way beyond filters. Do not all yourself to look at someone else’s life and envy a life you think they have. There are times when filters can be cool but deceiving. How many smiles are hidden by pain? Live a full life. If you see something someone has and you truly desire it i.e something material then find a way to incorporate it! You do realize there’s always ways to get the same thing on a budget?! But get it if you like it not to feel as if once you obtain it you will be better because you won’t! Material gain is only a small portion of life. Life is about how you treat others, what you give to those around you and how you treat yourself since how you treat you will help or hinder the relationships around you!


This is through Instagram and another way to be able to get a glimpse into another person’s life! They are fun but again same principle. Don’t spend so much time worrying about this instalife but not about the life you should be creating in real life.

Life has so many opportunities to create smoke screens. They are fun but remember to find ways to enjoy life in real life time. Don’t be so serious all the time that you make yourself miserable. If you woke up and really felt like your life was missing something but didn’t look at ways to create the life you want you are wasting precious time!

Take the steps to have a real life. To find ways that you can genuinely smile. Ways that you can live in your true purpose and gift. Ways that serves others and make sure you fill your own cups too. Life was meant to be lived not just on social media day dreaming about what others have.

We are about to come upon a new season. What have you done well in the Winter? What could you change? What are your goals? What are you doing daily to reach them? When was the last time you did something you enjoyed? When was the last time you spent time by yourself? What about with real friends? Want flowers but you are waiting around for someone else to buy them, go get them for yourself! Decorate your home the way you want! Clean and declutter your life! These are things that as you complete them your real life goes up!

Live your real life to the best of your ability!! Smile! Don’t give your joy away!

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