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What if You Have No Goals Set?

This past weekend was National Vision Board Day. What if you are coasting through 2022 so far and you have no goals set? Do you have to have goals set so early into 2022? Yes and No. If you are struggling with your goals or even your focus there is nothing wrong with that. The world and our individual and collective lives have a lot going on. So plans and goals may not look as focused as they did a few years ago.

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Goal Setting Often Takes Time

In the years before the world shut down we moved differently. We made goals and we completed them. These days is important to pace ourselves. We are in a world where time is changing. Times and the things that consume us are changing. If your goals are not fully set it’s fine. One of the most important aspects of life right now is wellness. Taking care of you from head to toe is key. In doing that you will get inspired as you move towards whatever goals are you setting for yourself. Trust me someone like me with a Type-A personality is struggling with this now.

Struggling with Goal Setting and Being at Peace

I am going to be honest, my struggle to have it together is real. Making some goals and still working towards a larger picture. In 2022 I am not as motivated as I once was. Now in my personal defense I do feel like me being sick lately makes me feel as if I haven’t started the year. So that slow start to the year is my main blockage to really diving into full-on goal setting. So again I default to wellness and mental healthcare. I know that taking care of me is key to walking in fulfillment.

What is Wellness?

To me wellness is about looking into you as a whole. There are moving parts of what makes you, YOU. For instance when I look into wellness I definitely make sure that I take are of what I eat. Being Vegan doesn’t mean that I am automatically healthier than most. There are a lot of Vegan options that are higher in calories than eating meat. To reset I go back to making fresher options made with whole foods (not the store) than the processed versions of Vegan options. This is why I love Splendid Spoon since the items are freshly made and not processed.

Another part of wellness for me is also how much sleep I am getting. I do a lot especially in the evening hours after running around all day long, getting inspired to do more at night, is real. Going to bed on a schedule helps. Writing down the inspiration but not always acting on it is helpful. Drinking water is helpful too.  When I am not drinking water it’s a physical manifestation of me on go and needing to slow down. Being mindful of what I need instead of making sure others around me are fulfilled.

Movement for me is as much as weight management as it is for stress management. Getting my body to work out is helpful for my body and my mind. Lastly, taking my vitamins and nutrients helps me too. I can’t stress how learning what you need is key.

Thursday Reset

As you know by now I believe in daily resets. So what do you need today for you? What areas of your life needs a reset? Focus on that. As you work through your goals keep things into perspective. It’s only the second week of January. Whatever is for you is for you. No matter how many people are in your field or how many people are doing what you do, there is only one you. You will gather your thoughts, desires, and loves in due time. Take care of you. Love on yourself. Get some sleep, drink water, move something, and take one day at a time. You got this no matter where you are in your journey.  Do not let self care become just a word thrown around. Invest in yourself what it is you need.

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