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Monday Motivation: Positive Thinking Day

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Happy Monday. Today is also Positive Thinking Day. Positive Thinking doesn’t mean having everything in life align the way you want. It doesn’t mean that bad moments stop happening. Its not like television where the main character never complains or has a bad day. Positive thinking is that, find a way to think of things in a better light. One of the thing you can control is your attitude. So let’s dive in.

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Eliminating Stress

Positive thinking can help eliminate the stress that you feel even when you can’t eliminate the stress in your life from happening. When I was having some of my darkest moments I missed a lot of the positive cues that were happening. They were missed due to me focusing on negative talk and the way I allowed my mindset to stay. So I am aware that I have a tendency to allow my mindset to get stuck in a negative rut. I sit and purposely find a way to look at it. Calling a spade a spade doesn’t mean I have to tear myself down therefore adding more fuel to the fire.

Control your Mindset

You can control what you think. It’s in your control to do so. Consider some extra steps while you are finding a way to let the mind run because being stuck trying to find a solution doesn’t work. Let me give you an example. I am a empath. I will sense something is wrong with others. So if I am not careful I may pick up other people’s hurt and pain and adapt to it to being my own. Stress sets in. Not all situations have immediate solutions. That uncomfortable feeling while life works itself out hurts. People aren’t conditioned to be comfortable with that level of stress. If we could always have good we would.

Positive Mind Exercises

Have you heard of doing a mind dump? This is done with a piece of paper or journal. Writing out what is going on in your head may help. We are humans. As humans we can be overconsumed. Find ways of dumping those thoughts so they don’t overtake the way you move, etc. Journaling is a great tool to use. Some people don’t like the idea of having journals. Use your phone. Your phone can provide apps that help with self care. So use them.

When Your Mindset Won’t Reset

This is the moments in time when you realize that no matter how many mind dumps you have completed and how you are attempting to change your out-look your disposition won’t change. Seek help. The real is that although we know that therapy is a great option sometimes it’s hard to accomplish. Here are some of the pitfalls to scheduling your first therapy appointment:

Therapy Solutions

All of the above I have experienced. Here is the work around that people who push therapy don’t tell you. One, if there aren’t any available appointments and it’s not a doctor you truly feel you have to be seen, call someone else. I know that seems self explanatory but if you’re already struggling you can’t “see.”  If its a doctor you truly feel you need to see, ask if there is someone else in the office or another office the doctor you like would suggest.

This happens for regular health office appointments too. Don’t be afraid to ask. If your issue is finding one that your insurance will cover and you are doing it on your own-call the insurance company. Have them email you or you look on their site for covered people. Look the doctor up and read reviews. Again your mind needs a reset and research may take the temporary pressure.

Asking the Questions with Therapy

If you can’t afford traditional insurance ask if they have a sliding scale fee. This will be the same level of care at a discounted price. If you can afford it please pay. Leave these options for the people who can’t afford the care.  If you are unsure where to start, start with your job. If you work you have some sort of Employee Assistant Program. This is your first level of defense. You will be provided with a few free sessions to start you on your journey.

They will always have you go where your insurance will and can take over. Always ask for what the copay will be once the free sessions are and build it into your budget. Your mental health is just as important as some of the other things you enjoy to purchase.  If you are an entrepreneur or solopreneur you may want to go online and see about online services such as Better Health. Even though I’m a huge advocate for therapy, remember it will only work with the level of energy you put into it. If you dont address the issues, being in therapy isn’t going to fix it. Therapy is a tool just like a journal is a tool.

Self-Care is Daily Care

Increase your self-care. Self-care isn’t selfish. Don’t let anyone tell you it is. If you don’t breath life into you and your situations no one else will. Self care isn’t just about a bubble bath. It’s about knowing what you need when you need it and not being afraid to give it. So if you need a nap-take it. Sometimes its stepping away from the computer and taking a break or walk. Use your self-care. Self-care is daily care.

I hope you are doing whatever you need to do today to make your day that much more wonderful. Get what you need out of your day. Realign your mindset. Increase positivity into your life in the way you think, who you engage in, and what you put into your body. Have an amazing Monday. Remember you got this!

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