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Calmigo: Calming Device and Anxiety Help

If this is your first blog, welcome. For my seasoned readers, you are well aware that I’ve been dealing with anxiety for quite some time. I’ve been managing my anxiety with therapy, self-care, CBD, and other natural remedies. Now I add Calmigo to the list of my trusted go to’s. If you’re dealing with long time anxiousness, sleepiness, stress, and concentration issues, Calmigo is for you!

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The Start of my Anxiety

I honestly believe I’ve had anxiety my whole life. From being an over achiever which correlates to also being a people pleaser, anxiety was my silent buddy that I had no clue existed. The need for perfection has wrecked havoc on my life as a child. As I grew older, my anxiety grew stronger. During college I started having panic attacks. I thought I was having a heart attack. However it was short lived thankfully.

Postpartum Depression

Jump to becoming a mom and I started dealing with postpartum depression. I assumed it was the mom blues that they the books spoke of. My journey was a hard one. I went through several extreme bouts of episodes. Finally I saw a therapist. I was diagnosed with postpartum depression, anxiety, and episodic depression. It was a relief to finally feel heard. The journey on how to manage it has been up and down but worth it!

Natural Remedies

I had to take medication for months when I was suffering in the beginning stages of postpartum depression. I didn’t always like the way the medicine felt. The mere shame I felt from being on the medicine wasn’t helping either. I knew that one I couldn’t take myself off and secondly I needed it. We are always so hard on those who need medication to help with anxiety. It’s looked at as weak. I beg to differ. Knowing you need help and consequently accepting it is strength. I elected to find natural remedies for a longer lasting effect.

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I’ve been a huge encourager of self-care. When I was in the thick of having younger children prioritizing my needs was one of my biggest challenge. Learning that taking an interest in myself as well as letting go of mom guilt was equally important with my health and mental wellness. So continuing on that journey by doing all of the things I love have helped me tremendously.

Calmigo is an Asset

This device is a godsend. It looks like an asthma pump in how small and convenient it is. It has an amazing smelling component which is how it works. The scent I have is lavender and it’s super calming. The device helps regulate your breathing. Just like every anxiety filled event in your life no two events are the same. So where you’re breathing may be increased and elevated at one turn, it may not be as increased the next. The machine works with you.

Consistent Use

One of the best ways to help you get the greatest help from it is to use it 3 times a day! This helps you get used to the machine. Remember the machine works with you. Using it consistently will allow you to get used to the machine. In the midst of a panic attack, anxiety event, feeling overwhelmed or trouble with sleeping you are going to want something familiar. In order to be familiar you want to know how to work it, and feel at ease using it.

Customer Service

Calmigo isn’t one of those companies that send your machine and walks away. They are there for you every step of the way! When I received mine I honestly had intentions on using YouTube to walk me through it. However customer service came and did a call and walked me through it. They stayed on the line until I felt comfortable by also allowing me to use it several times with them. A special thank you to Alex for his patience. FYI, that level of customer service is for everyone!

How to Use

Using Calmigo is as easy as breathing. There are lights that help you take your guided breaths when you inhale/exhale. There are also vibrations to assist as well. As you takes breaths, in 3 minutes it helps you calm down. The scents helps with the calming effect too! The focused 3 minutes will take you from an anxiety filled moment to calm. If you already use a breathing method, this will be quite different for you. You’re going to have to allow your body and the device to work together.

Pro Tips

If you’re thinking 3 minutes is a lot think of how much longer having anxiety would feel. Also keep in mind that it may be easier if you set a timer (don’t use if it will cause an anxiety) or play you’re favorite calming song. I listen to some of my favorite artists while listening and use the song as my 3 minute countdown instead of a timer.

Factors to Remember

I really am grateful for my Calmigo. It’s small enough to place in my smallest purse so it’s always on me. It’s convenient and effective. I want you to try it. Use my code Toitimeblog to receive $30 off the device. It’s 100% money back guarantee. You will have someone help you use it. You can use it any time as it helps even with loss of concentration or sleepless nights.

Calmigo is natural. You don’t have to worry about overuse. I use it before going to events. If you have read past blogs, my social anxiety creeps up often. I use it as I’m getting dressed and if I feel as if I will get anxious before entering I’ll use it before I get to the event again. FYI, I’m usually not driving if parking is an issue anyway! You can use it at any point that you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, etc.

Give Calmigo a try I’m confident you will love it!

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