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Sunday Scaries: Prepping for a New Week

Happy Sunday! I’ve had a long weekend and it’s not even remotely over yet! With that being said, let’s get into ways to wind down your weekend. Your nighttime routine is just as important as your morning one. Sunday scaries are a way to talk about getting back into a flow. Here’s a few suggestions:

Sunday List

It’s time to re-evaluate your goals. I have a huge oversized white board. I use that to write down goals, or deadlines for the week. This helps me to visually see what I have to do. Sometimes lists especially on a Sunday seem to be overwhelming but they help. On Sunday keep in mind that’s the longest your list will be. As we accomplish our goals throughout the week it will get smaller. Work smarter and not harder. For instance thanks to Canva instead of recreating content I can repurpose it. Find ways to cut down your workload.

Sunday Funday

Weekends are supposed to be about rest, relaxation, family, and me time. What did you pour into those cups? Always end the weekend with me time or self care. There is something that is exclusively for you that refuels you. For me that will be journaling and going over my magazines that have come this week. Am I the only one who gets magazines that collect them? I do use them at the end of the year for my vision boards but actually reading this is a form of self care too. Find your thing and do it.

Almost a New Month/New Quarter

Goals aren’t just for the New Year. There are quarterly, monthly and weekly goals. We are ending the second quarter and going into a 3rd one. This is the quarter for content creator to start planning the end of the year. We start to pitch for the Fall and even Christmas now. Ever wonder why our minds are so far ahead because that’s how companies work. They don’t plan a few weeks out it’s months out. You may not be in that mindset but you can plan for this new quarter.

For instance what are your end of Summer goals. July represents the middle of the Summer. Have you planned family time, baecation, or a solo trip? We just finalized out plans and I’m working on another 2 staycations. One for myself and one for my husband and I in addition to our baecation and family trips. Also don’t discount doing day trips. Day trips are a great way to see more and spend less. Now is the time to add a few goals for travel. Also financially get your ducks in a row. So much needs to be saved. You can start putting money aside for Christmas now too!

Meal Planning

Not everyone loves meal planning. However keep in mind that being intentional in your eating this week. Summer means fun and lighter eating but it can add up. For me with the kids home I have had to have more accessible foods like waffles, oatmeal, fruit, cereal, and more for them to eat. For myself I’ve added more smoothie bags, vegan egg meals that I’ve prepared ahead of time to grab and go. Just because I work from home it’s just as convenient to not eat just as those who work in an office. I get just as distracted as anyone else.

Sunday Joys

I love starting the week with some joy. For instance I have fresh flowers in the home to start the week. My kids have had a full weekend and we are all healthy. All of this is a form of joy! On this week’s podcast episode we talk about joy! Give it a listen. What are your simple joys this week? Find them, write them down in your gratitude journal, or write them in a book. Start your week off right.

Simple Sunday Prep

I started the week by cleaning my husband and I’s work area. I swept and mopped the floors. Cleaned the desks by wiping them down. Checked the supplies to make sure we have all that we need. Reorganized my area and broke down PR boxes and recycled them. I cleaned my home and will finish laundry. These are simple tangible ways. You can do little things to get your week started off on the right foot.

Happy Sunday. We have Monday Motivation for you tomorrow. Blogs are still being edited but looks like we have a full week of fresh blogs coming your way! Oh the energy and joy of writing has been hitting me so hard. I love it! Have a great week this week!

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