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Wednesday Check In: September 14, 2022

Happy Wednesday. Today as we do our check in and wellness check-in let’s have a serious talk about sleep and rest. Monday I woke up feeling as if I was in a depressive mood. After doing a self check in I realized I was just tired and exhausted. Sleep is essential for a healthy lifestyle. So I know how hard life can hit. Be intentional in your sleeping habits.

Birthday Boy

My son celebrated his birthday. What a lovely day we made sure he had. Birthdays are important in our home. We teach the kids to learn the process of celebrating them always. We are trying to install in them that they need to learn the art of showering themselves with as much love and joy on their reset days. Birthdays are a reminder that you have purpose even if you are carving that all out.

So for his birthday it was a day of yes. He had school but he was able to take treats. My son was the DJ for the day in the car, got what he wanted for dinner and stayed up an extra time to play with his gifts. I woke up and decorated his room and house. I’ve been doing this for years. My kids know how much we try our best to let love be an action word in our home.

Wednesday Wellness Move Something

We all know that we have to move. The concept of moving is essential in helping you be your best self. So move something. You don’t have to be a gym rat to make movement apart of your lifestyle. 15-20 minutes of movement is often enough to get you started. Consistency is key. Doing the 5k this weekend I saw how valuable it was to move a bit. I was able to move without issue.

If this had been a few years ago I would have been struggling. Movement helps keep them bones moving in the right direction. If you don’t use it-you lose it. So dedicate to making and taking better care of your health and needs. Today I am going to my doctors for a check up. They are essential to find out where I am and get a better grip on what my needs are.

My Saree, My Story 5K

I had a ball. Navixha Bagga invited me to participate. I have never in my life worn a saree. To be honests, I was a little intimidated because I didn’t want to do anything to disrespect anyone’s culture ever. I believe in being respectful of differences. When I got there just like any other event that I have been with Navixha, it was all love, support, and a welcoming spirit. I was wrapped in a saree by one of the women. There was unity from the beginning. I loved how freeing being in their midst was.

The 5K charity fundraiser is meant to be a unified platform for women across colors or ethnicities – to come together and showcase the grit and pride of womanhood. Too many times when are judged for everything from clothes, appearance and more. So this was about laying all of that to the side and embracing who we are. Unlike many other women empowerment movements, this one actually stood on its principles from start to finish. It rained super hard but it didn’t stop anyone from having an amazing time. There was a guest appearance from Sue Sharma. She spoke on being an immigrant to this country and breaking the ceiling in her own right.

Also Congresswoman Madeleine Dean spoke on doing more than just being a woman or a Mother. She wanted more for herself and is a walking example of that daily. We ended the guest with Gina Gannon who spoke on what it’s like being a male dominated field of news and carving her own path. From the dances in the rain, the walk, and the unity women can do and be all things. We are change makers and more. Thank you to Navixha for having me.

Wednesday Joy

I try to make sure to include some form of joy. Just a few days ago Philly lost rapper, PNB Rock to a senseless murder in Los Angeles. In addition to that there is a rise in crime and shootings daily. It’s a hard time here in the city. I am looking for that joy or being a joy as often as I can to those around me. Find your joy. Be around those who are genuine. Give people what they need from you and that is to be your best self. Take care of yourself and be a light in this dark world.

Happy Wednesday. Making it halfway to the week means we have nowhere to go but up. Have an amazing end of your week.

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