Fall is here. With that being said, Fall and self care go hand in hand. So what are some of the activities that you enjoy that gives you all of the vibe. Fall is a little slower in the fun. From creating warm spaces at home or venturing out into the world and creating memories. So here is a listing of Fall activities that don’t matter where you live to enjoy them.
Fall Movie Night In
When it comes to Fall creation is important. So what would make a Fall movie night even more fun? The snacks. Think candy charcuterie boards, ice-cream sundaes and more. The key is to make it simple but effective. You don’t need a lot. Consider taking a trip to the Dollar Store and grabbing you can. The board as plain as it can be or add a marshmallow spider web on it and build it from there. The family or even your friends will be super impressed and it won’t take a lot of money to do. Also add in the Freeform’s Halloween or Fall Movie lineup and you have an evening that is both fun and spooky.

Fall Cleaning
A lot of people think that cleaning your space helps with your mental health and I agree. Think about more cleaning along with decluttering. Go through your beauty products. As the season closes and Fall opens, go through your Fall clothes and think about what you can give away or donate. Listen I am a firm believer of shopping your closet. Too many times we focus on what we think we want or need and miss out on the amazing options in your closet. Since it is also early too, consider adding layers on your options until it gets colder. Layering allows you to utilize your Fall and end of Summer outfits while also contributing to your home or space being cleaner.

In addition, Break out the products that are better for you. For instance there are products like plant based and more that will allow you to clean, smell great but also contribute to the environment in a positive way. If you are in the Philadelphia area, go to Ray’s Reusables. You can refills on your favorite products in environmental safe containers.
More on Decluttering
It will lift your spirits as you eliminate distractions. You can know what you need more of and what to cut back on. In addition a decluttered space is one of the ways to self motivate your life. Something about getting rid of the old and bringing in the new that is transformative.
Fall Drink Menu
If there is one thing that I love is a great fall drink. I am not just talking about cocktails. This is for those who love a good smoothie and more. So for those who love a good fall drink I have a few recipes for you to enjoy. As always follow my Everything Fall on Pinterest as I update. If you are looking for great cocktails especially for the Halloween season, follow my Halloween pins to get you inspired.

Get out in Nature
There are a lot of thing that cost free99 that you could do this Fall. Take a nature hike, visit a Greenhouse, join a running club, take a new workout class and more. Either way get outside. Dedicating to taking one 10 minute walk per day even if you get a lot of steps at work. It is important to be intentional with getting outside. The benefits include a mental boost to your well being and self care.

I also run my best in the Fall and winter which makes no sense but to a runner. Get out and hit the pavement. Find a friend that is starting out if you are new to running. Trust me collaboration over competition will keep you going and in your best physical and mental shape.
Fall Staycations
We know that we just got out of the busiest vacation with summer but a fall getaway to a bed and breakfast is right what you needed. I love Fall staycations the most because it allows you to see your city or other cities in a new light. In addition it’s helpful to reset before the holiday rush sets in. There is a lot of hustle and bustle that comes with the holidays that can be fun and stressful. Taking a moment even if it’s just an overnight stay somewhere with a late check out that speaks to me. Sleeping in, ordering in, or even going to a new restaurant is a great way to reset this Fall.

Reset with New Self Care Gadgets
I have talked about self care gadgets before. Things like light therapy, blue light, and more. Think journals, pens, and even new art supplies. These are the thing that don’t have to break the bank to cause big impact. So when you think about the things that bring you joy grab them. For instance my first places to go to will be the Dollar Store, and Five Below. When I have a coupon I got to Michaels or even Marshalls. Do not discount Marshalls as a great place to find the cutest pens, even a new mug can brighten your day. If you are afraid that you will buy them but forget about them, organize them. When you decluttered earlier, get a cabinet, or a container to hold yourself are gadgets. The more in your face they are the more you will use them.

Holiday Preparations
Although many like me have been prepping for Fall for a while now, consider organizing for the holidays. As I went to look for my Fall decorations I noticed that the husband moved things around in the garage. So I took it upon myself to start organizing the Christmas items. Making a list of things that I actually need is helpful. Plus I plan to get the sales. Every year I buy a few things and let Homesense tell me what I need. However Homesense may suggest one or more items it will not dictate my entire shopping. Feeling like you are in control of the holidays instead of the holiday take over is helpful.

Fall Fun Bucket Lists
This is your Fall wagon rides, apple picking and more that you need to add to your life. Make it fun. Here is a little advice for the moms who have the husbands that give a little push back. Leave.. them at home. I can’t tell you the amount of couples I see arguing over a pic. Make a picture list before you go. Also remember that memories and not drama is what you want to get. If you are in Philly there are a lot of places to keep in mind. Catch them on my Fall update blog. However unless you need him to drive you, consider going with just you and the kids. I am not saying that having “Fall” pictures aren’t important. What is important is that if you are the create memories parent, sometimes leaving the stressor home could make for more fun memories. The husbands can figure it out on their own.

Host a Dinner
This can be stressful but if done right it can be beautiful. There are so many that struggle with the change of weather. Invite a few folks over for a dinner. Make it low key but memorable. For instance pick a theme and stick to it. We have been invited to a few and the ideas are relentless. Once the theme is picked consider what you need. Ask all that are coming to bring a dish or dessert. Get a few mocktails and cocktails ready. This is going to be a great night. Gathering a few friends so you can check in on them in real time is key.

Increase your Self Care Nights
This is called blocking of distractions and pouring into you For instance, I have no media dates. Unless it’s a collaboration of the century I say no. It doesn’t matter how close I am to the organizer. My days are my days. Take them. Also get your stuff together for a fabulous night in. A great drink-both alcoholic and non-alcoholic too. Keep a stash of lip, eye, and face masks. Also don’t neglect your feet. Then get a long bath or shower, put on the cutest pajamas, read a good book, snuggle with a good movie and simply relax. If you struggle with relaxing like me, put your phone on do not disturb and take it into another room. Whatever is there will be there when you are done catering to you. Want to make it bigger? bring some friends along too.

Happy Fall. Enjoy your time. Boost your self care and do things that make you happy.
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