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The Self-Care You Need Immediately

If this is your first blog, welcome! If you’re a long time supporter of the blog you know that self-care is daily care. Taking and ditching self-care to just one day a week isn’t enough. What is the self-care you need immediately?

Taking Time to Yourself

Before you figure out to next move sometimes you need to retreat! Taking time to figure out what exactly you need is key. When you have alone time and an answer won’t come sometimes that’s all you needed is a break! A break to do the most or to do nothing! Breaks are hard to come by. Your schedule may be air tight. You could be raising a family. Or like many you have time but you’re not applying good time management to create the time you need.

Mismanagement of Time

If you’re like most people we don’t make the best use of time. We do a lot of unnecessary things in one day! Watching television for hours on end, not telling enough people NO, taking on too many projects without asking for help. The list of mismanagement goes on. We put the needs of every last person above our own. We tell ourselves that we just love helping others to take the sting of the mismanagement. FYI, you can help others best when you can also help yourself.

Operating in the Wrong Arenas

Do you know how much time you take away from yourself when you’re in the wrong arena of life. You were meant to be an encourager but instead you want to be the person in the background. I know trust me. The more you fight your calling and purpose the more time you take away from yourself. This is why me time, quiet time, self care, and reflection is so necessary. Going around and around in circles of life without true direction does nothing to assist you in taking a time out.

Saying No more Often without Guilt

No is a full sentence. No doesn’t need an excuse or a back up. You’re lacking in self-care simply because often times you won’t say NO! Putting on and doing more for others while telling yourself NO builds resentment. Who’s helping you? Filling your cup? Who’s making you stronger, wiser, and more efficient? Not those around you who you have enabled to keep having their hands out! Although whomever in your life is in need of constant attention, will be there after your break. Replenish and renew! Come back to helping with clear eyes and right intentions!

How to Shut Out The Noise

Commit to saying yes to yourself. Make a nonnegotiable self-date. Fill that date with the very things you love. It can be as extravagant as a vacation or as small as a magazine night with a favorite drink. Make it a standard.

When I was a Stay at Home Mom, I had to learn to set that time apart. Unless the kids were sick AND in the hospital I kept to it. Respect your time and others will respect it too. Create diversity in your me time. There can be a list of your go to’s but don’t be afraid to try something new. If your self-care needs a revolution-wake it up with a little spice!

Give Yourself Grace

Rome or the world wasn’t built in a day. Be kind to yourself. Those first few times of setting time for yourself may be chaotic or feel like epic fails. Trust me I have been there! Don’t give up! Continue to make yourself a priority. Don’t give up because you gave into someone around you! Try again. Self-care is daily which means you always have another shot to do it again!

Everyone needs their time. We all need to reset and refresh! That time alone is key to any success you are building! Don’t be afraid to enlist the help of those around you to pull it off! Have fun! Take the time you need. Make self-care a daily routine. A few moments alone can really make a difference! Make self-care a secret weapon against bad days and bad moments! Take the time that you need and definitely deserve!

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