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Weigh In: 04/26/2017

So I told you all I would keep you updated with my blog.  So with those sentiments let’s dive right in.  I am doing Weight Watchers which uses a series of points assigned to food to help you manage your life.  So I have 30 points a day and 35 cheat points that I use a week.  So I did my weigh in and I am down another 3.2 pounds.  That’s great news as I am so super close to my ultimate goal I can taste it.

This week and most weeks I noticed the more I eat normally meaning taking good care to be within my points but still enjoy eating the more I lose.  Now let me make a statement right now before I began what I do doesn’t mean I am sending out a message that you can do what you want and still lose weight.  You can’t.  You have to be able to be disciplined but still allow for yourself to be you.  I feel that is what I have been able to achieve and thus far I have lost 35.2 pound to date.  So do I deprive myself? Nope.  I work out and I work out hard.  I also stick to the plan.  I use my points wisely.  I go out to eat and I drink wine and clutch your pearls I’ve even had a Unicorn frappuccino.  See it’s not just what you eat its how much and how often.  I splurge my points for what I want.  I eat like I am supposed to and incorporate more fruits and veggies.  It works for me.

So I don’t allow other people to dictate to me what I should do.  I paid to do a program to change my life and it has.  I do not let folks and their “knowledge” dictate to me what I should do.  What I eat won’t make you fat.  I am not interested in fads that don’t teach me how to change my lifestyle.  This is why I don’t like diets that have shakes and meals you must buy.  One they are super expensive.  Secondly as soon as you get tired of doing the shakes and meals you go right back to where you started.  I am doing what I am doing to be healthier first and to look better in my clothes. I want to wear the clothes I want to wear and not the ones I have no choice to wear.  So if you’re looking to change do what works for you.  Eat in moderation.  I love donuts I had one last week too.  However I adjusted my eating and didn’t slack on my workouts because I was too tired.  Anything worth having takes hard work to achieve it.

I am getting close to my birthday and that is around the time I will hopefully have met my goal or be as close as I humanely can to the goal.  I can’t wait to share with you.  The goal of my sharing my journey is to help  someone else see that yes I eat real food.  Yes I enjoy food.  I just don’t let food consume me.  I no longer eat my emotions.  I no longer eat and make excuses that don’t serve me.  I am not a “gym rat.”  I do practical work outs at the gym 2-3 days a week while at my full-time job.  When I can’t and my schedule gets tights I work out at home and use my kids as weights.  They enjoy it and I need it.  If all else fails than I go to YouTube for free workouts but I get it in.  I’ll check back in soon but this is the journey I am on to a better me on the outside as I work my inside.

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